Patricia Clarkson x Reader (Requested)

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This was requested by meertenanna20067, the readers name is Anastasia.

Anastasia's POV

It's been over ten years since I met Patricia Clarkson at the premiere of The Green Mile. I had been there in support of my long time friend Tom Hanks and was lost in conversation with him when she had fallen into me after loosing her balance and I had quickly steadied her while making sure that she was okay. After that we had spent most of the night laughing about how clumsy we could be and I ended up spending more time with her than I did Tom. When the night was over we exchanged numbers with a promise to meet up for coffee at some point before Tom dragged me home for the night.

We soon became good friends and can often be found sat in one of our houses sharing a pot of tea or on occasion a bottle of wine or two. When the world descended into a pandemic and lockdown was announced we both agreed to do it together in her house and she helped me get my things together and lock everything up before we headed back to hers. Living together during the lockdown was a lot easier than I had thought it would be but one problem arose, my feelings for her began to change and I started to develop more romantic feelings for her. It started out slowly as I got to see her in more personal settings like when we were getting ready for bed and I got to see her wearing baggy t-shirts with leggings on underneath and just knowing that she felt that comfortable around me made my heart swell. Then my body started to react to her touch, each one made me feel like I was on fire which then made my  mind wander to places that it shouldn't. Thoughts of her touches becoming more intimate, her hands moving lower and lower as she kissed me-

I'm brought put if my thoughts when there is a knock at my bedroom door before Patricia entered with tea and cake on a tray and I smiled at her as I patted the space next to me on the bed. Taking the tray from her to let her climb onto the bed I try to calm myself down when I see her smooth legs peek out from underneath the top. Shaking away the thoughts that image created I smile at her when she sits slightly closer than normal before she reaches for her cup of tea.

"I thought that I'd bring tea up to you tonight Anastasia." She says after taking a sip from her cup and I hum slightly in return. My mind's elsewhere and I'm desperately trying not to say or do anything stupid, I'm brought back to the room when Patricia nudges me gently. "What's got into you tonight Ana? You've seemed awfully absent and distant for the last few days." She asks while leaning closer to me.

"I've just been lost in thought for a couple of days that's all, nothing to worry about Patricia." I tell her gently before taking a careful sip from my own cup before placing it on the bedside unit.

"Bullshit! You're never normally this quiet when you're thinking about things Ana! Now tell me what's going on!" She demands as she puts her cup down and turns to me.

"I really have just been lost in thought I promise." I tell her seriously but she isn't having it and after moving our cakes that still lay on the tray onto the floor she climbs over my lap where she settles herself and my hands automatically move to her waist to keep her steady. "Patricia please, I promise that I'm fine." I tell her even as I feel my breathing speed up at the new contact.

"You and I both know that's a crock of shit Ana, now for the love of all that is good tell me what's wrong." She demands.

"I'm not exactly lying, I have been lost in thought a lot recently. I've been thinking about a lot of things and I guess that I just let it get the best of me." I tell her running my thumb over her waist and I raise an eyebrow when she arches into the touch with her eyes closed. Applying more pressure to her waist I smile to myself when she arches further into the touch before I relax my grip and she slowly opens her eyes to look at me again.

"What have you been thinking so hard about?" She asks me quietly as she rests more weight on my legs before leaning forward slightly. "Talk to me y/n."

"I've been thinking about how easily feelings can change, how it only takes certain situations to change how you feel about someone." I tell her watching her reaction and watch as her eyes shift slightly and continue. "How you can develop feelings for someone so easily but can't say anything because you don't know if that person feels the same way or not. How some of the things they do around you can awaken a whole new thought process and make you think about the devious things they can-" I'm cut off by her leaning forward and pulling me into a deep and rough kiss.

"Stop, stop talking." She says with a gravelly voice when she pulls away from me. "I think we've both been thinking about similar things Ana." She adds as she rests her head against mine while closing her eyes. We sit like that for a moment before she leans in and kisses me again only this time it's softer and more sensual. Slowly moving down the bed so that I'm laying back with her hovering over me I smile into the kiss and push her hair away from her face gently. Pulling back gently in order to breathe I chuckle when she carefully moves off of me and snuggles into my side.

"I guess we should have just talked to each other and been a little bit more observant." I say with a chuckle as I stroke her hair and she nods into my side with a yawn. "Let's get under the covers and go to sleep Patricia we can talk more in the morning." I suggest and she nods before moving to slip under the covers with me following. Once she's comfortable cuddling into me I reach over and turn off the light and together we fell asleep smiling.

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