Miranda Priestly x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Paris has been a complete clusterfuck so far. Miranda's been made to throw Nigel under the bus in order to save her job at Runway which has in turn made Andrea walk away leaving me to pick everything up from the ground. Nudging Miranda off of the steps and into the hotel I break rule number one in the assistant handbook and place a hand on the base of her back to help her and bite back a smile when she nods at me minutely. Leading her up to her room I pause as she enters the room only to be dragged inside when she grabbed my wrist as she brushes past me. Closing the door behind me I sigh as Miranda slumps into the sofa in the room and cross to sit next to her, blushing slightly as she fell into my side and buries her head in my neck and stroke her arm gently.

"I don't know what to do y/n. Nigel is bound to hate me for this and one of my assistants just walked away at the busiest time of the year." She whimpers into my neck and I tighten my hold on her.

"We'll get through this Miranda, I'll talk to Nigel for you and explain what's happened and that you didn't have time to warn him. As for Andrea, well I can deal with her for you." I tell her glaring at the wall. I know that Nigel would understand why Miranda had to do what she did but I can't believe that Andrea just walked away like that. "Nigel will understand what happened Miranda, yes he might be angry and hurt for a while but he could never hate you and I'll be here handling everything  for you. You don't have to worry about anything other than attending the last few shows and attending lunch with Donnatella and Valentino tomorrow." I reassure her gently.

"What about Stephen?" She asks without moving from where she was.

"He's been dealt with and all of his things have been moved out of the townhouse and I had Roy get the locks changed for safety. He signed the papers before we left and the divorce became final in the early hours of the day. The girls are at Mark's with Oscar tonight but if you like I can phone them so that you can talk to them." I suggest making her nod before pulling away from me slightly with a small smile.

"Thank you, I honestly don't know what I would do without you y/n." She says quietly and I smile in return.

"You're welcome Miranda, I'm glad that I'm able to help where I can." I tell her with a slight shrug because it really wasn't a big deal to me.

"No, I don't think that you understand just how much you mean to me and the girls y/n. You've been there through so much with us and have helped the girls out where they've needed it." She says as she sits up fully but doesn't let go of my hands until my phone rang. Quickly pulling it out of my pocket I grin when I see my son's name pop up and Miranda chuckles. "You better answer that y/n, I don't think that Oscar will be impressed if you don't."

Answering the phone I move to stand up but Miranda stops me and pulls me back into her chest to continue hugging me. "Hi baby, how are you?" I ask Oscar and let myself relax into the body behind me.

"I got to go to the beach today mummy! Daddy said that we could maybe go again when you come home!" He exclaims loudly making me pull the phone away from my ear with a chuckle. "Are you having fun in Pawis with auntie Miwanda?" He asks when he calms down a bit.

"Wow, I hope you thanked daddy for taking you to the beach baby. I'm sure that we can go together when I get home." I tell him with a chuckle. "Paris is okay baby but it's been really busy so we've not been able to do too many fun things." I add and I can practically see him pouting.

"Aww, that's no fun! Can I talk to auntie Miwanda pwease?" He ask and I feel Miranda chuckle behind me and quickly put the phone on speaker phone.

"Hello little love, how are you?" Miranda asks him and I can't hide my smile at how gently she talks to him. Their relationship was one that I will forever be glad of because it's not often that Oscar gets on with many people outside of the family yet when he met Miranda he instantly fell in love with her.

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