Donna Sheridan x Reader

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This isn't happening. It can't be happening. I think to myself as I watch that man  corner Donna. He's been trying to get her alone since he stepped foot back on the island much to mine and Donna's annoyance. I smile when I see the glare she sends him but he shakes his head and reaches up to cup her cheek making her turn her head to the side where she sees me. Giving her a weak smile in return I turn away and start to walk away when I see Sophie stood there looking apologetic.

"Y/n, I'm so sorry-" She starts to say quietly but I stop her with an understanding smile.

"It's okay Sophie. I know how long you've wanted to find your father and you have." I tell her and she shakes her head at me.

"I have, but I hurt you in the process y/n which I never wanted to do." She says while looking at the ground. "God I screwed up y/n, you are the best thing that happened to me and mum. You have loved me like I was your own and I threw it in your face because I was being selfish." She exclaims and I quickly but gently grab her chin and made her look at me.

"Hey, stop that! Sophie Sheridan, I know that you didn't do this to hurt or spite m. I know how hard it is not knowing where you come from fully and wanting to find the missing piece sweetheart, that feeling never gets easier as you grow up but you have found your dad Sophie. You finally found what you were looking for." I tell her softly as I hear someone clear their throat behind me while arms wrap around my waist. "Sophie, I'm always going to love you like you're my own. Nothing you ever do will change that." I tell her calmly making her smile at me before I turn in Donna's arms.

"Shall we take a walk darling?" She asks me as she tightens her grip on my waist slightly. Smiling at her I can't help but lean in to kiss her lightly before nodding at her. Letting her pull me away from Sophie and Sam I raise my eyebrow at her when she pulls me into our bedroom and kisses me quickly but harshly. Pushing me back onto the bed I moan when she climbs on top of me and starts to kiss down my neck biting as she goes, leaving a trail of bruises in her wake.

"Donna, oh shit! Please don't start something that we can't finish." I moan out as she roughly pulls down the top of my dress to start attacking my chest. Finding the strength to flip us over I make quick work of opening her shirt and latch onto the sensitive chord at the bottom of her neck before moving further down her body letting my fingers move slowly across her skin making her arch into my touch.

"Please y/n, don't tease me. I need you so badly baby, I need you to touch me, make me forget about that man." She pleads with a moan as she pulls me up for another kiss and I'm just about to start unbuttoning her trousers when our room door flies open. Dropping my head on her chest I groan at the interruption while Donna growls at whoever it is making me clench my thighs, damn woman is too fucking sexy when she's angry. "Get the hell out of this room right now" She all but shouts as she quickly pulls my dress back up to cover me before pulling her shirt over her chest.

"No, you need to stop this act Donna! You know that you love me! Stop making out you don't!" Sam shouts and I'm beyond furious right now. How dare you he barge into our room like this? Who the hell does he think he was? Sitting up I turn to look at him.

"Get the hell out of this room Sam! You had your chance 21 years ago and you blew it. You made your choice and left Sam, you can't just come back now and expect that everything will be the same." I tell him with a glare, trying not to react to the fact that Donna's hand was slipping under the back of my dress and running teasingly along my skin while she kisses my exposed shoulder blade.

"Y/n's right Sam. You left, you lied to me and you left. I picked up the pieces and moved on with my life just like you did. I dedicated my life to fixing this place up and running it while looking after my daughter. Then I met y/n and suddenly my whole world changed, Sophie loved her from the moment she met her with me not far behind and suddenly I realised that what we had wasn't love Sam. I cared for you Sam, don't think I didn't but what we had wasn't love it was fun and wild but not love. Y/n, she made me realise what love really was and I couldn't imagine not having her next to me which is why I hope one day she'll be my wife." Donna tells him and I can see the defeat in his eyes while mine widen, we had never talked about getting married before but quite honestly I'd marry her tomorrow if that's what she wanted. "Now please, will you stop this stupid quest and let me be happy with the love of my life." She adds and he leeave slamming the door behind him, leaving me sat frozen where I am while Donna continued to stroke my thigh and I slowly relax back into her. Slowly turning around to face her again I bring her into a soft kiss and smile against her lips as I stroke her hair.

"I would happily be your wife Donna, name the day and time and I'll be there ready and waiting." I tell her and she blushes but pulls me tighter into her as she deepens the kiss. Moaning as her hands move to grab my ass I push her back onto the bed with a chuckle. "I can just picture it, calling you my wife and becoming Mrs, Y/n Sheridan." I tell her while pressing light kisses down her chest, pushing her shirt out of the way and she quickly pulls it off completely before switching our positions.

"Well Mrs Sheridan, I think that we should make that happen." She whispers against my lips as she slowly trails her hands up my legs and I gasp when I feel her fingers toy with my panties. Throwing my head back I moan as she slips down my dress and I'm all to happy to lift my hips to let her remove it fully.

"Donna, fuck, I love you darling but I think that we should get Sophie's wedding out of the way first and in order to do that we need to get some sleep so that we can get through tomorrow." I say with a moan as she continues to run her fingers over my skin gently but she was having none of it. Placing light kisses down my chest I gasp as she pinches my nipple, arching into her I thread my hands in her hair pulling her up to kiss her deeply. "Donna, get some sleep and we can continue this tomorrow after the wedding." I say against her lips and she nods before sliding to the side and burrowing under the covers.

"I can't wait for our little girl to walk down the aisle." She says as she made herself comfortable next to me after shimmying out of her jeans and I grin at that. "I can't believe how fast everything has passed, wasn't she just starting school the other day?" She asks me and I chuckle.

"It sure feels like that honestly Donna." I tell her kissing her hair before stroking it gently and we lay like that for a while just talking before we both fall asleep with smiles on our faces.

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