Tess Scali x Reader

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Y/n's POV

Walking into Tess' office I frown when I see her sitting with her head in her hands and walk over to her desk placing the envelope I was holding down making her look up at me confused and I offer her a small smile as I push the damn thing towards her. Watching as she takes it and pulls out the wad of money she looks at me with wide eyes before shaking her head as she shoves the money back into the envelope before sliding it back over to me. Shaking my head I round the desk and perch on it right in front of my best friend making her smile slightly as she pulls me into her lap, okay maybe we're a bit more than just friends. For nearly a year we had been having sex almost every time we saw each other and we had originally agreed that it was just sex but I think we both know that it's way more than that at this point.

"Please just take the money Tess, you're going to end up losing this place if you don't and neither of us want that." I plead with her as I wrap my arms around her neck and she holds me close to her with her head resting on my shoulder, shaking it slightly as she does so. "I know that you are a stubborn woman who doesn't want to accept help from anyone but I'm not anyone Tess. I'm your best friend and want nothing more than to help you without any kind of judgement. So please? Just take the damn money and save this place."

"You can't afford to just give away money like that y/n and there's no way in hell I'll ever be able to pay you back what is in that envelope." She says as she pulls her head back to look at me and I slide my hand down to cup her neck making her moan slightly.

"I can more than afford it Tess and I don't want you to pay me back. I want to help you save the establishment that you have worked your ass off to get to where it is now. I want to help my best friend keep an amazing establishment from closing." I tell her and she goes to argue with me but I shut her up by kissing her making her moan against me. "Take the damn money Tess, please baby. I don't want all your hard work going down the drain and I know that you don't either."

"How can you even afford this? That's a lot of money and last we spoke you could barely afford your rent." She asks as she rests her head against mine and I bite my lip making her brow furrow when tears well up in my eyes. "Y/n? What's happened?" She asks as she looks at me with wide, worried eyes and I offer her a small smile as I brush a loose curl out of her face while willing away my tears.

"Gran died a few months ago Tess, she left everything to me in her will. I sold the flat under her instructions and have taken over her business and her estate." I tell her quietly and she looks at me with wide eyes before pulling me down into her for a tight hug making me chuckle as I happily hug her back. "Let me help you Tess, you know how much that stubborn old woman had to her name and this doesn't even make a dent in the account. You also know that she loved you like you were family and would pay any amount of money to help you. So for the love of god stop being stubborn just this once and take the money. If not for me then for her."

"Why didn't you tell me? I would have been right at your side every step of the way." She says into my neck and I shiver at the feeling of her breath against my exposed skin. Feeling her smile against my skin I moan when she drags her lips across my skin before nipping at the column of my neck gently.

"You were beyond stressed with this place and...oh baby...I didn't...she...Tess you didn't need..." I try to explain only to be cut off by my moans of pleasure as my head goes back to give Tess more access to my neck which she very happily takes advantage of as her hands glide over my back like a woman possessed, trying to grip onto me as tightly as she can while holding me close to her. "Tess, oh baby you know I love it when you do that but right now we need to talk. Talk now and then you can do whatever the hell you want to me after." I finally manage to get out and she groans as she pulls away from my skin only to pull me into a kiss that was more passionate and loving than the others that we had shared in the past. Kissing her back I run one hand through her wavy hair making her moan again as she pulls me impossibly closer to her while my other still rests on her neck. Pulling away from her for air we look into each others eyes and we both know that something had changed somewhere down the line that wound up with us like this.

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