Bette Midler x Reader (Request)

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A/n: This was requested by hannahcampbellisme this is more of a past Bette x Hannah than anything else which I hope you don't mind.

Hannah's POV

Sitting in the cafe I had agreed to meet Bette at I play with my cup as I wait for her and check the time with a slight chuckle, of course she was late. When had she ever actually been on time for anything we had ever arranged when we were together so why did I think it would be any different today? Lifting my cup to my lips I take a careful sip of my coffee and sigh in bliss when the caffinated drink hits my tongue.

"You always did love your coffee." Bette says with a chuckle as she sits down opposite me and I smile at her as I put the cup down with a small chuckle of my own. "Sorry I'm late, I lost track of time."

"I did and you always had a knack for running late so don't worry about it." I say and she sighs as she looks at me. "I really don't mind Bette, I know how time flies for you."

"I know but I'm the one that asked you to meet me Hannah, I should have made sure that I was atleast on time." She says as she reaches over the table to take my hand which I take back gently with a pointed look.

"It's fine, it's been nice having a little bit of time where it was just me. I've got two kids running circles around me normally at this time and a wife that doesn't quite know the meaning of time either that I have to keep in check." I say as I play with my wedding ring and she follows my movements with a sigh. "Why are we here Bette? We hadn't spoken in more than ten years and then out of the blue I get a message from you, one that caused a lot of trouble in my marriage can I just add. So why reach out now when you know that I've got a family at home?" I ask her and she looks at me with a sad smile.

"I never meant to cause any trouble between you and your wife Hannah, I didn't think before I sent the message and when you replied I decided to seize the chance to see you again." She says as she leans back in her seat and I smile at her. "I've missed you Hannah and I know that it's my own fault that everything fell apart with us but I honestly never stopped missing you. I thought that if I saw you it would make me stop missing you but sitting here now I think it's only making me miss you more." She admits and I sigh as I meet her eyes.

"I know that you never meant to cause trouble and so does Sarah but we were both shattered after spending the best part of two days looking after two very sick five year olds when your message came in and age old insecurities reared their ugly heads. We moved on from that pretty quickly though." I tell her honestly and bite back a blush when I remember exactly how we had moved on from it. Shaking the memory away I smile at Bette as I take another drink of my coffee. "You know until I got your message I hadn't realised that part of me misses you too Bette and I think that's why I responded to you in the first place. There's a part of me that wonders what would have happened if things had been different between us but the main reason that I'm here is to ask you why? What happened between us? Where did we go so wrong and why did we let it get inbetween us?"

"I don't know Hannah, I really don't. One minute we were fine and then the next all we were doing was fighting. Then one night we both decided we had had enough and that was us. I got up in the morning while you were in the spare room, went to work and when I got home you were gone. It almost looked like you had never been there." She says quietly as she reaches out to take my hand again and this time I don't pull away from her making her smile at me as her finger runs over my rings. "Are you happy? Really and truly happy with Sarah?"

"I'm incredibly happy with her Bette, I never thought that I would feel this way about anyone outside of you and then me and Sarah ran into each other at a nightclub. We got talking and after dancing together for a while we decided to go get some dinner together. After that we met up on a weekly basis to have lunch or dinner together until those lunches and dinners became more intimate and before I knew it I had fallen for her." I tell her and she smiles at me as she listens to what I'm saying. "I'm not saying that it was easy, nothing about being in a relationship is easy especially when your ex also happens to be one of her former colleagues and she didn't want to cross any boundaries but we got there. We figured everything out and nor we've been together for seven years, have two troublesome five year old boys together and we've been married for going on two years now."

"I'm really glad that you're happy Hannah, that's all I ever wanted to know." She says and I smile at her as I take my hand back gently while taking another dink of my coffee before it goes cold.

"What about you Bette? Are you happy in life?" I ask her as I craddle my cup and she nods with a smile as she fills me in on what's been going on with her since we last talked, which turns out is a lot after ten years. Sitting talking to her for hours I feel arms wrap around my neck and turn to see Sarah standing behind me with a smile. "Well this is a suprise, aren't you meant to be filming And Just Like That... right now?"

"Well, I was but Cynthia isn't feeling the best today so we called it a day and I thought that I would suprise my lovely wife and take her out for a nice dinner seeing as the boys are at mum's tonight." She says as she leans down and kisses me lightly before moving to sit beside me with a smile. "It's good to see you again Bette, how have you been?" She asks as our fingers tangle together automatically and Bette looks between us with a soft smile.

"It's good to see you again too Sarah." She says as she gathers her bag and jacket before standing up. "I'll leave you two to spend some time together, it was great catching up with you Hannah. Hopefully we can do this more often and not let another ten years go by before we see each other again." She adds and I nod with a small smile before she leaves making Sarah turn to me with a raised eyebrow. Shaking my head at her I kiss her lightly before standing up as well.

"Come on, let's go home and relax then I'll treat you and make dinner tonight." I tell her as I pull her out of the cafe and she grins as she follows me happily. Walking home hand in hand I'm glad that I had agreed to meet Bette today because I can finally put her and that part of my life behind me completely and focus on Sarah and our boys.

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