Chapter 7

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Lily's POV

The drive brought me to a park, where orphans were playing around.

I was walking through the park when I noticed a little baby boy being cradled in one of the teacher's arms.

I went up to the baby and noticed the blue eyes and blond hair.


I looked up at the teacher asking if I could hold him.

The teacher gladly handed me Ian.

The next thing I said shocked me.

"Can I adopt him?" I asked the teacher.

"Sure thing, why don't you follow to the orphanage and you can sign some paper work.

I nodded.


After all the paperwork was done I drove home with a sleeping Ian in my arms.

I ran into Audrey while I was heading to my room.

"Lily? I thought you were meant to be with Char-" She stopped mid sentence when she noticed Ian in my arms. "Is that Ian?" 

I just nodded. "Can you do me a favor Audrey?" She nodded. "Can you quickly go to the store and buy some baby stuff like clothes and a baby crib? I will use the spare room next to my room for the nursery." She quickly nodded, whilst smiling and ran off.


It is currently 6pm and my family still isn't back yet. 

The nursery was ready and Ian is currently sleeping in his crib.

I noticed that I still haven't eaten anything. I went downstairs and there were cookies on the coffee table. I took one and ate it.

I was pretty tired so I headed to bed. Tomorrow is Sunday so I could hang out with Ian.

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