Chapter 11

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Lily's POV

Olivia lent me some of her clothes because she said my one was too dark and emo.

I am currently wearing colourful aztec leggins, a pink knitted jumper and pink UGGs.


When we arrived at school we just talked about random shit. 

Blake saw us and smiled at me. Jade was giving me the glare and grabbed Blake and forced a kiss on his lips.

I was hurt. Then again he didn't know who I REALLY was.

Olivia noticed and dragged me to period 1 with me on the verge of tears.


It is currently lunch and I am sitting with Olivia same as yesterday when Jade came up to us again. 

"Hi Delilah! Listen and listen closely. Stay away from Blake. You slut!" 

Olivia started laughing and stood up "Is slut the only word you know? I knew you were dumb but I didn't know slut was the only vocab you knew. I shouldn't even be wasting my breath on you coz you probably don't even understand what I'm saying right now."

Jade ignored Olivia's comment and turned to me once again, and she slapped me.

My jaw dropped. 

"Stay away from Blake!" 

"Hey slut!" Olivia yelled at Jade all up in her face. "Hit me. I dare you!" Jade slapped her in the face too. Olivia chuckled. "Is that all you've got. Now it's my turn." Olivia punched Jade right in the face making Jade's nose bleed very badly. When she punched her I also heard a click.

Everyone was watching by this point and gasped.

All of a sudden, the principal was there.

"You. You. and YOU! Detention!" he pointed to me, Olivia, and Jade.

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