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His mask shifted, a smile grew under it. He leaned towards me, I pressed myself fully against the wall.

"Good choice, Tommy." he whispered. I felt the axe moved from my body. I untensed, looking down at it. He moved back, my eyes looking up to his face again. "Come on, I think we have a president to talk with."

Reluctantly, I walked to him, stopping by his side. He gestured to go ahead of him, I was hesitant to, but eventually walked out, feeling his presence behind me.

(A/n: just wanted to point out, you guys don't know anything Tommy doesn't. -like what Techno said to Dream or where Ghostbur went, all of that stuff!!)

I curved to the side of the hall, stopping there and letting Dream go past me. He went ahead, not stopping for me either. I caught up and walked behind him.

As we got down, I saw the light coming from outside. It was so much brighter than in the room. I couldn't help but squint my eyes at it before I adjusted.

He walked with much confidence, something not quite odd for him. Yet, it was still weird. He seemed like he was showing off something.

I shrugged it off and kept walking, slowing down when I saw two people ahead of me. One ghost and one man in a suit. I only now noticed the stains on Ghostburs shirt and the scar on Quackity's eye. I knew where one of them was from.

I stared at Dream now, he didn't look over at me despite me knowing he saw me. Ghostbur couldn't be by Dream any more, I didn't want him getting hurt. I looked back over at the two, Ghostbur was hiding behind a now armed Quackity. 

I was hesitant going forward, after what heppened last time with Quackity. Yet Dream still had long stride steps, so I followed. 

"Dream." Quackity said, no enthusiasm in his voice. He clearly didn't want to talk with us. 

"Quackity!" Dream clearly was mocking it, putting lots of energy with sarcasm. It actually was kind of funny.

"The note-" Quackity started, getting interrupted by Dream faking being sad. "Oh we are getting right into it? No kind words?" He let out a small laugh after, earning a glare from Quackity. 

He ignored him, continuing what he was going to say. "The note is right, Tubbo tried to declare war. But as the president-" He paused, looking over at me. "Can we speak in private, Dream." Dream tilted his head, then looked over at me. 

"Head back to the castle, I'll be there when this is done." 

I nodded, turning back to where we came from. I had walked this path a lot since I came back. I noticed more people up ahead. I didn't have a weapon, this wouldn't be good. I walked to the opposite side of them trying not to draw attention to myself.  I walked fast, trying to get out of there as fast as possible. I didn't know who was there, but Dream wouldn't want me talking to them. I had at least learned that.


Shit. And I knew exactly who it was, George. I was dead, for sure. I kept walking, trying to look unfazed. I knew he was walking closer to me. Suddenly I felt a hand on my shoulder, I stopped, almost frozen.

He moved in front of me, I stared at him, anger pouring onto my face. I pulled away from him. He stepped closer. 

"Tommy, is he chasing you, do you need help?" Something about his rambling just made me boil. I didn't know what. 

"Leave me alone." I pushed past him. My shirt was tugged, making me turn around to him again. "What the hell!?" 

"You know they are starting war over you, right? Dream said shit to Tubbo and now everyone is after you." I backed up again. After me? What was he talking about?" Sapnap and Karl are making a lace. We can protect you there, you know? We won't keep you, just like, you'll be away from them." 

His words drifted out of my head. What the fuck was he talking about? He got me out of my thoughts again. "Let me take you, I can show you everything. Please, Tommy" I couldn't form words. I knew they were having a war, and I knew Sapnap was talking about it but I still didn't process everything. Before I knew it I was being pulled off the path into the woods. 

I knew he had a weapon, so I came wit him. I already felt weak enough. I looked back at the path leading to the castle. What would happen if I went back to Dream? Would he be mad? I stopped walking, taking in my thoughts. George stopped too, by my side. 

"Tommy, I promise. We are going to protect you. He won't hurt you anymore." I turned to him again. For some odd reason, I trusted him. I still didn't think it was a good idea, though. He grabbed my arm gently. 

I hesitated for a moment before stepping away from him. I couldn't, I couldn't leave him again. I looked between the castle and George. It was so tempting to go with him, but imagine what Dream would do. 

His voice snapped me out of my thoughts "Tommy, I'll be back. With Sapnap. We'll take you there if they fight." He let out a small sigh. "Just promise me you won't get hurt." 

I nodded and walked away with pace. Dream would be back soon, and I couldn't let him know I was talking to George. I walked to the side of the path, making sure Dream wasn't there before I got back on. I was really close to the castle, more so than I thought. 

I finally got to the castle, letting my body untense as I entered. I saw Punz at the top of the stairs, coming down about the same time I was going up. I bit my tongue, walking on the complete opposite side, trying to ignore him. He stopped, and that's when I saw the other man at the top. 


(1006 words- really bad chapter BUT yAy)

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