Chapter 3

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Caila's P.O.V. 

"So this one is my trailer." Toni said as she instructed me on where to park for her to get home. "Thank you so much for this morning Toni and the day in general. It's nice to not have to stress about meeting people on the first day." She smiled at me. "My pleasure, you're really cool to be around. Here, swap phones with me so we can put our numbers in." She handed me her phone and I handed her mine. I quickly put my number in and we swapped back. "Well I guess i'm gonna go home and see what chaos is going on there. I have a feeling it's gonna be a disaster!" She laughed as she opened the door. "Alright see you tomorrow?" She asked me. "Definitely!" She shut the door and I made sure she got her door unlocked before I turned around and headed home. 

As I pulled into the driveway I saw the moving truck was still here. I quickly parked my jeep at the back of the driveway and pulled out my purse as I walked in through the open garage door. I twisted the handle and slowly opened the door as I realized I had never come in this way before. Looking in I saw the kitchen with boxes strolled everywhere. I heard a commotion in the room next to the kitchen and went out the door on the far wall. As I walked in I noticed my dad and two other guys setting up our tv in the den. This room was a few steps down from the kitchen and I looked and saw the doorway to the living room. "Hey. Need a hand?" I asked as they got the tv propped on the mantle above the fireplace. "No, but you may wanna wrangle your mom. She already got our room, her study and yours set up. Now she's in your room." My eyes widened. "On it!" I yelled as I made a dash back through the kitchen, through the dining room almost taking out our dining room table, before busting out into the foyer narrowly missing some movers bringing in a grey couch and up the stairs.

I made it to the second level where I had to stop and take a breath, before racing up to the third floor and rounding the corner to my room. Opening the door I saw my mom setting my pillows on my bed. "Oh thank god! It's not pink and frilly!" I said as I leaned on the door frame catching my breath. "No, I learned a while back you didn't like the girly stuff anymore. You're a lot like me at your age, love the darkness and all things creepy." I smiled as she laid a folded blanket on the foot of my bed. "So I left the wall color black but I thought maybe some emerald curtains for your windows?" She asked as she held up a set of green curtains. "Are you trying to make my room look like the Slytherin common room?" She frowned as I walked to my bed against the far wall and set my purse on it. "Because if so I am totally down!" I said excitedly. She smiled as she opened the curtains. Suddenly some movers came in with the grey couch I almost ran into. "Set that by the bathroom door, the emerald area rug has to go down first." My mom instructed the movers. I looked to her, "How much stuff did you buy?" I asked. "Just the basics." I glared at her. "Okay but most of it was for your study." 

I turned for the door and marched out and down the hall to the closed door. I opened it and was shocked at the sight before me, a solid oak desk was set up between the two back windows and to the left of it was a wall of bookshelves already full of my books and other things. As I approached I saw things like a golden snitch clock, a small globe, and even a life size hedwig. I turned to the door to see my mom now noticing the large copy of a firebolt broom and Slytherin banners. "This room screams with my nerdiness, but why? This was NOT cheap mama!" I asked frustrated. "I know where we used to live was small, and you never felt like you had enough space so I wanted you to have your own spaces with plenty of room." I sighed and walked up to mat' hugging her tight as she hugged me back. "Thank you." She kissed my head before letting me go. "You're welcome, baby." 


After two hours of setting up and with the movers help we were essentially all done, other than pictures that needed to go up but that would take time. My phone buzzed loudly on the desk in my study, picking up I noticed it was Betty. "Hey betty, what's going on?" I asked. "Has your mom been able to find any help for FP?" She asked me. "She told me earlier she was waiting to hear back from one of the top attorneys in Quantico. They would be our best shot and their specialties are cases like this." I told her. "Well would you mind helping jug and I?" I closed up my notebook. "Sure, what do you need?" I asked. "Meet us at Pop's?" She asked. "Be there in fifteen." I said as I stood from my desk. "Okay." We hung up and I went into my room pulling on my combat boots and trading my coat for my beloved leather jacket. I snatched my purse off the back of my door and made my way downstairs. 

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