Chapter 16

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I was confused as to what Sweet Pea saw, he stepped around me and I turned to look at whatever it was that had his attention. As I looked past Sweet Pea I saw a guy crouched down, spray painting on the side of the building. Upon closer inspection I noticed the red hair, "Fuck." I whispered to myself as I ran to catch up with them. "Hey!" And it just got worse. "What the hell are you doing?" Archie stopped, barely taking notice that the guys were approaching. "Back off, not here for any of you." Sweet Pea was pissed and I knew Archie wasn't the calmest person either. "Then whose the message for huh?" I managed to squeeze by Sweet Pea and Fangs as Sweets grabbed Archie's arm, wrestling the can of spray paint from him. "Stop!" I said to them as they let go of each other. "Aw hell, don't tell me this is for the black hood. Do you believe this guy?" Sweet Pea joked to Fangs and the other serpent with us. "I thought I told you to stop Archie. Me kicking in your door not enough for you?" I asked and his eyes flashed to me. "Caila sta-" He started and suddenly I felt Sweet Pea grab my arm and pull me back behind him. "Don't talk to her, I don't give a damn if you know her or not. She's not getting involved in this."

My heart fluttered at this protective side of him but I was also annoyed at the same time. Sweet Pea scoffed and looked to Archie. "And people say we're the trouble makers." Archie had this hard look on his face, he kept his dead stare locked on Sweet Pea's as soon as Sweet Pea pushed me behind him. Archie started to take his bag off and I knew whatever came next wasn't gonna be good. "Caila-" Archie said and tried to push past Sweet Pea to come towards me. "Woah. I don't trust you near her." Sweet Pea and Fangs pushed him back, I had to figure out a way to split them up before things got deadly. "Southside Serpent Country. You don't get to come over here and tag our turf, so turn around and drag your ass back to the Northside before someone gets hurt." Before I knew it their faces were inches apart and the tension was growing. "Get out of my way, and let me talk to my friend. Or someone will get hurt." I was torn, if a fight did break out, who was I supposed to help? Sure Archie was in the wrong but that doesn't warrant a beat down. "You just made a big mistake." Sweet Pea said before opening his knife. Immediately I pushed past Sweet Pea, and placed my hand on his chest before facing Archie with my hand out. "Arch, go. If you push anymore I can't and I won't stop them." I would never really let Sweet Pea hurt him, but Archie needs to learn he's not invincible and maybe a little scare would do it. Archie never looked to me, he kept his eyes on Sweet Pea. A hollow look in them, this is not the Archie I know. It's like he had been possessed by something. 

I looked back to Sweet Pea, who had wrapped an arm around my waist as if to move me when I heard Archie fumbling with something. I looked back to find he had a gun, my heart stopped and my body froze for a second. "Who made a mistake?" Archie asked as Sweet Pea and the guys started walking backwards, pulling me with them. Sweet Pea was trying to wrestle me behind him but I wasn't letting him take the fall if Archie pulled that trigger. "What the hell man?" Sweet Pea asked, "Who made a mistake?!" Archie yelled and now he was scaring me, but I still wanted to reach up and grab the barrel until I could twist it to the ground. Before I could execute my plan I felt Sweet Pea's other arm reach around my waist and he lifted me onto his shoulder before he took off. All I could do was stare at Archie as Sweet Pea ran away, we got to my jeep and he set me down, opening my drivers side door. He looked back and found Archie was gone, he took a deep breath before looking at me and carefully holding my face in his hands. "Think you can drive?" I nodded as he kissed my forehead. "Follow me to my house." I nodded as I got in and Sweet Pea closed my door. I started the jeep and waited till Sweet Pea pulled out and followed behind him till we got to Sunnyside. My ride was quiet as I replayed what just happened in my head, I knew Archie was struggling after what happened but he's too impulsive. He's going to get himself killed. 

I fell slightly behind Sweet Pea and the guys, as I pulled up to his trailer I expected him to be inside but instead he was sitting on his porch, cigarette between his lips. As I got out I walked towards him, just wanting him to hold me. He quickly put out the cigarette and pulled me into his lap. "I'm sorry." I furrowed my brows and looked at him. "Why are you sorry?" He took a deep breath. "I started that, and I put you in danger." I turned so I was straddling his lap. "You did. But you also did your best to protect me." I cradled his face in my hands. "Archie has obviously become a loose canon. I was hoping you guys would scare him back to the Northside but he's on a mission, and someone needs to reel him back in." He tightened his arms around my waist. "I normally wouldn't ask this. But please stay away from him." I sighed deeply. "Caila, he didn't care that you were there, he pointed that gun at me knowing you were in front of me. He also put you in danger and doesn't seem to even care." He had a point but Archie obviously needs help, I couldn't just abandon him. "I can't make that promise. But if it makes you feel better, I won't be around him alone. Him and Betty are so set on the Black Hood being a serpent, I'm more worried about you guys than myself." I held Sweet Pea's face in my hands, his face had a blush to it, telling me he was still pissed. 

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