Chapter 1

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Pulling up to my grandmothers trailer in sunnyside trailer park brought back a flood of memories. As I put my jeep in park tears sprung to my eyes at the thought of her dying alone in this trailer, my grandmother was the sweetest & loved everyone in this trailer park. I took a deep breath before hopping out of my jeep, & walking up to her front porch. Suddenly the door swung open & out stepped Jughead Jones, "Hey Caila." He said solemly. "Juggy!" I ran up & hugged him. "I am so glad to see you!" He hugged me back & rubbed my back. "I missed you." He said. I smiled at him, "I missed you too Juggy." I stared at the front door, jughead catching me. "Do you want to go in?" He asked and I slowly nodded. He escorted me inside where I saw everything the exact same as it was years ago. "She really wasn't fond of change." I said as I walked inside. The floral couch was still against the wall and the china cabinet still stood tall against the opposite wall with the tv. Pictures lining the walls, some of me and the family, other residents here in the park. "I, uh, already started putting a few things in boxes. It was things I knew specifically went to you and your parents." I nodded. "Thank you Juggy." He gave me a smile before sighing. "Well i'll let you finish up here, I need to get down to go meet my friends, there's a lot going on here in town, can we catch up later?" I nodded and gave him a hug. "That sounds good." "I'll see you later Caila." I nodded as he walked out the door and I started pulling the china out of the cabinet for my mom as my grandmother left that for her. 

It was silent inside the trailer as I waited on my parents to get here. "He left but someone is still in here," I turned around as I heard the voice. I saw a very tall boy walking in with another boy and a girl with pinkish hair walking in behind him. I could tell he was a serpent by the snake tattoo on his neck. "Who the hell are you?" I set down the plate to greet them but I was cut off. "No, we don't care who you are. But we wanna know why the hell you're in Miss Tatiana's trailer." He said approaching me, "I'm her granddaughter, who are you?" I asked as I felt my temper flaring. "The person whose been helping take care of her. You guys abandoned her, left her here to take care of herself and to die alone." I was livid and stood tall, getting chest to chest with him, "You wanna start shit then let's go. We could not make it up here, my mother spoke to her every damn day! So before you wanna go and say we abandoned her maybe you should get you're damn facts straight. My grandmother was a saint if I ever met one and I'll be damned if you think you can march up in here and tell me how we treated my grandmother, we took care of her, maybe not physically but we made sure she never had to worry about a thing!" I yelled at him. The small girl stepped forward and pushed him back. "Leave her alone Sweet Pea, she just lost her grandmother she doesn't need you hassling her." She said. "Come on man, let's take a seat outside." The smaller guy pulled him out. 

I quickly wiped the tears that were building up. "Are you okay?" The girl asked me, I sat on the couch and took a deep breath. "Yeah." She nodded and looked around before looking back at me and sitting down. "I'm Antoinette Topaz, but everyone calls me Toni." I smiled at her. "Caila Romanova." We shook hands as she smiled at me. "I would like to apologize for Sweet Pea, Miss Tatiana has been taking care of him since his dad isn't around often." I nodded. "She loved caring for people, and now she's gone." I started crying again and Toni pulled me down onto her shoulder. Suddenly the one called Sweet Pea and the other guy came back in, "Others just pulled up." I quickly stood and wiped my face, "It's just my parents I kind of left them in the dust on the interstate." Suddenly the door opened and in stepped my mom in her black heeled boots, black jeans, a gray t-shirt and her black leather jacket. My step dad right behind her in his blue jeans, long sleeve Columbia shirt and PFG hat. Two polar opposites but incredible love between them. 

"Oh shit, um, we didn't expect to find anyone else in here." My mom said eyeballing the three. "Um mom, this is Toni Topaz, Sweet Pea?" I asked and he nodded. "And um... I'm sorry I haven't asked your name yet." He looked around at all of us. "Oh um, Fangs Fogarty." I nodded. "Well it's nice to meet all of you guys, I see you've met my daughter Caila, I am Renata and this is my husband Jasper." Dad waved and so did everyone else. "So may I ask why you're all in my mothers trailer?" She asked, "We saw jughead leave and noticed someone still moving around in here and came to check it out." Toni answered. "Well I appreciate it, did you guys know my lovely mama?" She asked. "Your what?" Mom chuckled. "Sorry, my mother. Mama is the Russian word for mother, it's the accent when I speak it." They nodded. "We do, she's been taking care of me for awhile now." Sweet Pea said and mom nodded, "So I assume you all attend Southside High School." They all nodded. "Yes ma'am. Why do you ask?" Toni asked. "Well we are officially moving to Riverdale, and Caila will be attending Southside high." I nodded. "Well, I actually give the tours around the school so I can show you around. But Southside is pretty rough, the Southside Serpents are not the only gang there so you really need to watch your back. A pretty girl like you that looks like she came from money, Ghoulies will devour you." I scoffed. "I dare them to get close enough, I'll knock their teeth down their throat before they can say ouch." Sweet Pea rolled his eyes. "Well it's nice to know my daughter will know a few people at her new school." Toni smiled. "It'll be nice to have a fresh face at Southside. Do you start tomorrow?" I looked to mom. "I sorted all the paperwork last week so you start at 8 a.m sharp." I smiled. "Then I guess I do." We all gave a small laugh. "Oh Sweet Pea, my mother did leave something for you." He looked confused as my mother walked back to my grandmothers room. We heard her rummaging around through some things, "Mama? Find what you were looking for?" I asked as I walked back towards the bedroom.  "Da, will you help me carry these?" I nodded as she handed me some of the quilts my Babushka made. I followed her back to the living room where Sweet Pea and Fangs had taken seats next to Toni on the couch and dad had taken the recliner my grandmother had. "She had wrote in her will that you loved sleeping with the quilts she made, so she wanted to make sure you had them." I handed him the two quilts. "She also had apparently started this for you when she started caring for you." Mom handed him a book and when he opened it, it had pictures. "Is that?" Fangs asked. "First day of freshman year, she was sneaky getting these pictures. I didn't know she took any of them." He said. I looked at the five pictures on the first page. One was him slinging his back pack over his shoulder and reaching for the door handle, another was him, Toni, and Fangs sitting on the opposite side of the bar in the kitchen with a cake in front of them, all smiles. The others were various picks of him with Fangs and Toni just hanging out. He flipped the page and the first picture I noticed was him pulling on his serpent jacket. "That's the first time I ever put it on." We all smiled and I noticed tears start to well in his eyes. 

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