Chapter 20

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Monday rolled around and Sweet Pea showed up to escort me to school again. Thankfully the first thing I did when I got up was cover the bruises, they looked even worse today. As we arrived at the school I noticed many people staring at me, mainly the ghoulies.

After our first class Sweet Pea pulled me into a huddle with the other Serpents. "Why are all the ghoulies staring at you?" I shrugged my shoulders. "I don't know." Fangs spoke up. "I heard one of them say you were talking to Malachai." I furrowed my brow. "Who?" Everyone snapped their heads towards me. "Tall guy, curly hair, kinda creepy looking?" Fangs asked as he gave a description. It clicked in my head, "You mean the guy who was being creepy towards me in the drug store?" Sweet Pea towered over me. "What. Did he say to you?" This was the most angry I had ever seen him. "I had your jacket on that day and he asked whose it was since it swallowed me whole. I told him it was yours, he called me cute, I shut it down, he said he knew who you were but he never gave me his name. I figured he used to go here or he was a former serpent." Sweet Pea gently grabbed my shoulders and backed me into the lockers.

"Did he touch you?" I shook my head quickly. "No. Will someone tell me what the hell is going on?" Toni look concerned. "Malachai is the Ghoulie leader. He's a big fan of pissing off the serpents for no reason." Sweet Pea paced for a moment before he faced me. "I'm gonna kill him." He made his way towards the doors but I rushed in front of him. "Now hang on just a minute, don't you think your being a little irrational?" He shook his head before gently lifting my chin. "You have no idea how dangerous he is, the things he does to people."

"JUG! Jug we gotta go!" I turned to see Archie rush up to Jug. "What the hell?" Suddenly the doors slammed open. In walked Sheriff Keller and another woman, "We gotta go!" I grabbed Sweet Pea's hand rushed for the doors. Suddenly someone grabbed the back of my neck, which pulled a yell from me. Sweet Pea and I were slammed into the lockers, "HEY! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HER!" I turned to face him as they cuffed us both. "SHE'S NOT A SERPENT! SHE DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!"

We were dragged out and separated, "Spread your legs." I did as the officer asked and he patted me down, not that he would've found anything anyway. "Load her up." I was pulled towards a cruiser, past Sweet Pea. "HEY! I SAID SHE'S NOT A SERPENT!" I turned my head back. "It'll be okay Sweet Pea, just work with them!" Not that he would, he's angry. Between the whole Malachai thing and this, he's livid. I was pushed into a cruiser, and was put between two ghoulie guys. I could hear Sweet Pea yelling as the second guy was pushed in after me. "Well hi princess." I groaned and laid my head back, "Of all the people I had to be shoved in here with." And now I have to ride all the way across town between them. "Your boy seems mad." I nodded. "I don't blame him, i'm in here with you two." They chuckled at my response. "Ooh he mad that his old lady was seen talking to another gang's leader?" I made a disgusted face. "First off, im his girlfriend. Not his old lady. Second, yes. Because your leader is an absolute creep. What, is he 21?" They chuckled again just as the cruiser pulled away. "24." I groaned again, that's worse.

I had to listen to the disgusting conversation going on between these two, the whole way here. 'Damn you're hot.', 'The things I'd do to that body.', 'You think Malachai would share her?' I snapped at the last one. Scared them and the officer shitless with my snappy response. They finally pulled us out and started walking us inside, I could hear the remarks about my ass from behind me and I turned to the officer hold my arm. "You gonna say something?" He just kept his eyes forward and ignored me. "If I was your daughter, you'd allow them to sexualize me this way?" I asked and it took a moment but he turned around. "HEY!" They jumped. "Stop the trash talk and leave her alone." I smirked as we walked in, mainly because he was kind enough to say something and because I spotted the one person who was gonna help me and in turn the serpents.

"What the hell is my daughter doing in handcuffs Keller?" She started marching towards the sheriff as we were taken down a hallway, I expect towards the cells. As we arrived I was led into a cell behind a few other serpents and the ghoulies were put in the one next to us, smart move separating us. Suddenly arms went around my waist from behind, and a kiss was placed on the back of my head. "Are you okay?" I nodded and relaxed at Sweet Pea's presence. As more serpents filed in, it became a tight squeeze. Sweet Pea was leaning against the wall, my back to his chest, Toni was sitting on the bench next to him. Fangs was in front of us rubbing his wrist. "Here." I said taking his wrist. I pushed down on the inside of it and he hissed in pain. After a moment of massaging he stopped. "Better?" He nodded as the door flew open.

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