Chapter 9

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Caila's P.O.V.

Opening my eyes I saw the sun peeking in through my curtains, I rubbed my eyes and stretched before rolling over and grabbing my phone. I saw the time saying ten thirty-one, I groaned and unlocked my phone seeing three texts from Sweets. 

Hey Juliet, made it home. Sleep well sweetheart. 😘

Good morning sweetheart, we're all going to hang out at the quarry after school today. Wanna join?

Okay Caila, i'm not doing this again. I will kick in your door and drag you out.😒

My stomach fluttered at the nicknames and I giggled at the last text, quickly replying.

No, not again. Just slept in, I think i'm just gonna stay home and chill for today. But have a good day Sweets, i'll see you later. 😘

I rolled back over in bed, thinking back over everything from yesterday, I couldn't get kissing Sweet Pea out of my head. He was more gentle than I thought he would be, and it was everything I had imagined it would be. I quickly tossed my covers off, sliding on my house shoes and a pullover before making my way downstairs. I went into the kitchen finding the coffee, pouring a mug. I heard the living room tv and peeked in finding my mom on the couch, drinking her own coffee and watching the news. I walked over and sat next to her, sticking my legs under her blanket. "Good morning." She said patting my leg. "Hi." I said quietly. "You two looked cozy last night. What did you guys do?" I shrugged, "The guys were gonna play pool at the Whyte wyrm before you called, so we played a few rounds downstairs and ordered some pizzas. Fangs got tired and left around eight so Sweet Pea and I came up here and watched some Adam Sandler movies." I said purposely leaving out the drinking and the kissing. She nodded, "Well i'm going to see Freddy in a few, want to join me?" She asked and I nodded. "Oh and we'll keep you guys being downstairs a secret, you know how your dad gets about his pool table." She said rolling her eyes. We continued to watch the news for a few before getting up and getting ready. 

I put on my jeans and a long sleeve shirt, I tied up my hair and popped in my contacts before walking out and lacing up my combat boots. I grabbed my purse and leather jacket off the back of my door and walked downstairs to meet mom. As I got into the kitchen I set my bag on the counter and went to put my jacket on. "Oh no! You can't wear that!" Mom said snatching my jacket. "What?" I questioned. "Baby, this still has blood on it. We have to throw this away, you know that." Tears welled up in my eyes. "But, i've had it for years. Can't we just clean it?" I asked really not wanting to give it up. "You know we can't, I know this is important to you but if Freddy had anything we were unaware of it can make you really sick." The tears ran down my face and I hated myself for being so attached to this jacket. "But Babushka gave it to me. She bought it for me because I wanted to be a serpent like you guys but you wouldn't let me join yet." She nodded and rubbed my back. "I know, we'll get you a new one." I shook my head. "Let me join the serpents and give me her jacket." My mom whipped around. "Absolutely not!" I groaned as she tossed my jacket into the trash can, my heart breaking at the sight. 

"Why not?" I asked following her out the door, getting into the Tahoe as she opened the garage door. "Because I will not have my daughter getting on a pole half naked and dancing for a bar full of men!" I buckled as she started that car. "But Babushka let you do it!" She peeled out of the driveway and onto the main road before answering me. " I went behind her back and did it without her knowing, and Caila I swear to god if you do that to me I will have your ass so fast do you understand me?" I rolled my eyes looking out the window. "Da, mem." I muttered. "I'm sorry what was that?" I turned back to her. "I said yes ma'am. I just don't know why I couldn't do the dance for just you and maybe some of the other women in the gang?" I said trying really hard to convince her. "Because it's a big occasion, everyone and I mean everyone gathers at the bar for it." I slumped in my seat. "Why do they have to be so sexist?" I asked and she laughed patting my leg. "Because they're a bunch of men who can't let it go, misogyny dies hard." I chuckled and we went the rest of the ride in silence. 

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