Chapter 13

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I finished my shower at about 4, leaving me two hours before he gets here. I put my hair up in a towel and pulled on a t-shirt and some sweatpants before going out to my couch and grabbing my phone off the coffee table. I didn't feel like yelling for my mom, so I called her as I pulled out my make up. "May I ask why you're calling me?" I laughed slightly. "Because I need help picking out my outfit for my date." I heard rustling. "OOH! I'll be right up!" She hung up and I started putting on my primer and letting it set before pulling out my hair dryer. "Okay so I know it's cold but i'm thinking your black strapless ruffle dress, with your brown leather jacket!" Mom said excitedly while bursting into my room. I rolled my head, "But don't you think the black ruffles are too girly?" She rolled her eyes. "You're a girl! I think not only will you be comfortable in it, but I think Sweet Pea will be stunned into silence!" She said waving her hands around excitedly. "Okay you grab it from my closet and I will at least try it on." She clapped before taking off for my closet. I started blow drying my hair and got halfway through when she came back, "You really had this crammed back there." She hung it up on my bathroom door, "Do you want me to help you finish drying your hair?" I shook my head. "Can you find some eyeshadow and lipstick to match?" She nodded before going through all my makeup.


"See I told you it would still fit!" I nodded. "Good thing i'm wearing a jacket because I cannot go braless in this dress!" She nodded tugging my dress down in the back. "Yeah but i'm not a fan of the light brown jacket." I tilted my head. "Yeah. Hey, what about your red one?" It was like a lightbulb went off in her head. "YES!" She yelled before sprinting from my room and down the hall to hers. I took the jacket off and set it on my bed, I turned in the mirror to look at the back of my dress. Catching the faint scars on my left shoulder blade, I rubbed them, hoping they would disappear even though I knew they wouldn't. "Here!" Mom said handing me the deep red leather jacket. "Oooh that's nice!" She said and I nodded. We kept the makeup natural with a nude lipstick so thankfully that doesn't clash. "It's 5:55, he should be here any-" "CAILA!" My dad interrupted from downstairs. "He's here!" Mom said rushing me out the door and downstairs. As we made it down the last flight of stairs, Sweet Pea stood there with his back facing me in black jeans, his boots and a black jacket that was not his leather one. He was talking to my dad, who pointed to me coming down the stairs. Sweets turned and flashed me a smile, I immediately noticed the roses in his hand. I looked at him and it's like it clicked in his head. "Oh th-these are for you." He handed the small bouquet to me and my grin grew bigger. "Sorry if they look rough, I rode my bike here and I stopped halfway to pick them up." I shook my head. "They're perfect." 

I turned to mom. "Can you put these somewhere for me?" I asked mom and she nodded. "So where are we going?" I asked Sweets. He shook his head, before stuttering. "We are- we uh." He chuckled to himself. "It's a uh, surprise." I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my throat. "You're too cute when you're flustered." I said. "So are you re-?" Mom cut us off running back in. "Don't forget your purse, and..." She had my keys in her hand before tossing them to Sweets. "The jeep like we talked about." He caught them and tucked them in his pocket. "Well i'm gonna grab my purse, i'll be back." I said looking over him once more, noticing the black button up under his jacket. I rushed up the stairs and as I hit the second story my excitement hit. I couldn't help but jump up and wave my hands around, trying my best not to squeal. I needed to catch my breath so I quickly laid myself on the stairs, leaning my head on the carpet runner. I was taking deep breath when I was startled by my mom. "That bad?" She asked helping me up. "I feel like I had a full blown stim attack!" She nodded, ushering me up the stairs. "You did! I watched you jump a full 4 feet off the ground!" I quickly ran in and grabbed my bag before rushing back down the stairs, stopping before coming down the last few. "I'm so much more calm now but good god mom he looks so good!" She laughed and hugged me tight. "Okay deep breath." I said before going down to the main floor. "Alright have fun, be back by midnight okay?" My dad asked as I looped my arm through sweets. "Yes sir." He said as we stepped out. "Love you!" Mom yelled as we stepped off the porch. "ya tozhe tebya lyublyu!" I yelled back. 

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