Chapter 21

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I thanked Betty and Veronica for dropping me at the wyrm, before rushing in to get out of the cold. As I walked in I found Juggy standing with Toni and Fangs, I rushed up and hugged him. "So what's going on?" I asked. "Malachai has agreed to the race. If we win, we continue to hold power and they stop the JJ." Out of nervousness I asked. "And if they win?" I eyed him nervously. "If the ghoulies win they gain power and keep running JJ, they also get the wyrm and sunnyside." The relief I felt when he didn't mention me was almost unbelievable. 

Suddenly someone wrapped their arms around my waist and buried their face in my hair. "Hi baby." I grinned widely as I recognized Sweet Peas voice, the stress I felt today basically melted away. I leaned up so he could kiss me, and as he did he handed me a drink. "One Vodka soda." I smiled as he placed it in my hand. "You're amazing." He chuckled as he sat in a chair and pulled me against him. 

"Listen up!" Tall boys voice broke out above everyone else's. "Jughead and I have made a deal with the ghoulies." Whispers broke out as to why the serpents struck a deal with the ghoulies. "A drag race, the Jughead will be driving in," I grabbed Jugs hand and flashed him a smile. "We win, we stay autonomous and the ghoulies STOP dealing Jingle Jangle and stay out of our hair. In turn, getting the cops off our backs. If the ghoulies win however, they get Southside High school, the Whyte Wyrm and Sunnyside Trailer park." Yells broke out around the bar. "HEY!" Tall Boy quietened them down. "This we survive, this is self preservation!" Many people still expressed their fears, their home was on the line. "WHAT IS THE FIRST LAW?" That got people pumped. "A SERPENT NEVER SHOWS COWARDICE!" We yelled. "AND WHAT IS THE SIXTH?!" "IN UNITY, THERE IS STRENGTH!" People started cheering, starting to see that this is how they move on. "You better win this Juggy." I turned and said to him. 


Saturday, the day of the race rolled around. We were supposed to meet at noon in the parking lot of the wyrm. Got dressed in some ripped blue jean shorts, a black crop top with bell sleeves. I slid on some black strappy wedges, going against the urge to wear boots on this warm day. I pulled half my hair in a bun and curled the bottom half, I applied some light makeup and nude lipstick. After my conversation with Betty and veronica I started feeling better, my bruises were still very prominent so I had to be extra careful that I covered them well. 

I grabbed some black ray bans and stuffed my I.d. and money in my pockets, before snatching up my phone and heading outside to my Jeep. Mom went into the station today and dad had a shift so no one could ask me questions about where I was going. I managed to convince Sweet Pea that I didn't need a security detail to head to the wyrm, something that we've argued about all week. I rushed to the wyrm to see Sweet Pea, I had a migraine the past few days and he had serpent business so we haven't seen much of each other. 

As I arrived at the wyrm, the parking lot was busier than usual. I found a parking spot in the back of the lot, so I had to make my way all the way to the bar before I saw anyone I knew. Most everyone was outside since it was such a beautiful day. As I walked towards the bar I saw a familiar face. "Kevin?" He whipped around and flashed me a smile. "Caila? Hey!" He pulled me into a hug when he recognized me. I noticed he was talking to Cheryl. "Oh wow, what are you guys doing here?" They looked back to where Betty was looking at a car with Jughead, Archie and Veronica. "They're driving my car, so they invited a few of us to join." Reggie mantle walked up next to me. 

I rolled my eyes at his remark. "There are so many hot guys here." I giggled as he leaned in to whisper to me. "I know right." It's true, many of the men here are attractive, but my man beats them all out. "Look at tall, dark, and handsome over there in the group of guys laughing." I looked to where he was pointing to find Sweet Pea staring at me. "He looks so mean yet so beautiful at the same time. I can't tell who he's staring at, me or you!" I laughed loudly at his statement, a true belly laugh. "I would hope me!" I said pointing at myself. Kevin looked a little offended. "He's my boyfriend Kevin!" His eyes widened. "That's your boyfriend?" Cheryl asked and I nodded with a wide smile. "How.... ill-lit." I rolled my eyes as I looked back to Sweet Pea who was sitting sideways on his bike, still staring. "I better go over there before he burns a hole through me." I said laughing at Kevin's face. As I started walking towards Sweet Pea I heard Kevin behind me. "I'm gonna be single forever." 

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