Chapter 23

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I woke up early the next morning to get ready for school before helping mom cook. I tossed my hair in a bun and kept my makeup simple, before throwing on some bell bottoms and a baggy band shirt. I slid on my house shoes, grabbed my boots and purse before heading downstairs to help mom. "Good morning baby." She kissed my cheek as I set my stuff in the living room.

I glanced at her, not seeing a mark. "So I see you didn't lie to me when you said he didn't hit you." She nodded. "Never gave him the chance, but I've known Tall Boy since I was a teen. He knew better and he knew he fucked up." I nodded as I helped her chop some fruit. "Did you know he made you part of that bet?" I shook my head. "I ran into Juggy and Archie when they were cutting the deal. Malachai wanted me to be part of the deal, and Juggy told him there would be no deal unless I wasn't involved." She smiled as she placed a pan on the stove.

"Ah those Jones men, always so loyal to us Romanova women." I giggled as I turned to her. "I was wondering, could I go over to Juggy's today? I really want to see uncle Forsythe." She sighed. "Give him a few days to acclimate and then you can go see him." I groaned. "Just a few days and I promise you can go see him." I nodded as the door rang. I ran to get it, wiping my hands on a towel. As I opened the door Fangs and Dray both tried to get in, shoving each other in the door way. Art gave them a push and they were off. "Food is their biggest motivator." I laughed and invited them in. "Hey guys, mom is in the kitchen, dining room is straight ahead. They came in, Art and Jax looking around in amazement. "I never knew this is what the house looked like inside." I giggled as Sweet Pea wrapped his arms around me. "Not so scary inside huh?"

They walked off to the dining room and I turned to Sweets. "Good morning." I smiled at him as he leaned down to kiss me. "Morning sweetheart." We pulled away and he followed me to the dining room where Art, Jax, Dray and Fangs were all talking. I smiled at them as Sweets and I walked into the kitchen to see Mom and Toni cooking. "Good morning Topaz." I said hugging her. "It's too early." I smirked as I grabbed a coffee mug. "Sweet Pea, you better keep a tight leash on her. Otherwise I'm gonna snatch her up." Sweet Pea chuckled. "I'd like to see you try." I slid the cup to her as mom plated a bunch of food.

"Good morning, Sweet Pea." Mom said kissing his cheek. "Morning Ms. Romanova." She handed him some plates to take out. "Please Sweet Pea, call me Renata, or even mom if you want." She said walking into the dining room. We all looked at each other in shock before walking into the dining room. "Uh mom, I think Renata is fine." She gave me a look and I shook my head. "Well then, let's all dig in!" Mom said as we all sat down.


The past two days of being flanked by serpents at all times was getting old. I was never alone, I even had to tell Dray he did NOT have to sit outside the bathroom for me. I was at the Wyrm with Toni doing some homework while she cleaned glasses when Betty came in. "Hi B!" I said hugging her. "Hey guys! I came to ask a favor." Toni and I eyed each other. "Jug and I were wanting to throw FP a retirement party, here, at the wyrm." Toni nodded. "I think everyone would like that, it's not everyday a serpent king just simply retires. It's a hard transition." Betty nodded and looked around. "You have a stage, would you be open to me bringing a karaoke machine?" I almost choked on my coke at that. "For Fp's retirement party? Sure why not?" Toni glanced at me and I buried my nose back into my essay. Also Toni, one of the reasons I wanted to talk to you was, I have been walking the razors edge since Jug joined the serpents." Toni and I listened intently. "I figured when FP came back, everything would get better. He could protect Jughead." Toni nodded. "Yeah I'm following you. I mean with FP out of the picture..." "But that's just it, I do worry. So I wanna keep an eye on Jughead, myself. You know make sure that as far into these Snake infested waters he goes, he doesn't do something that you know... puts him in any danger."

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