2. Stringing up pins

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The town of WheyHill welcomes the bright and sunny morning, the town no longer resided in the dark. The people of WheyHill felt blessed to once again, see the rays of the sun that lovingly kissed their home. Churches of WheyHill rang their bells as they opened their gates for the Catholics to thank their All Father, The humble mayor wished his people the lovely morning, establishments resounding the streets that they are once again open for anyone! The locals took off from their homes and off to start their day with confidence, they awoke to a new day and they shall make use of it.

"Good morning neighbor!" Says a woman to another.

"Good morning to you as well!" The other says back with a tip of a hat.

Good morning! You say to yourself when you are in no position to get off your bed. You are more likely to sleep once again, sinking into the heavenly sheets your bed grants you. Twisting around in the sheets to set yourself in more comfortable positions. Screw mornings, you'll sleep until the end of eternity. Sinking into the covers without the crack of an eye, humming pleasantly when your pillow comforted you back into sleep. Your chest gradually rising up and down but all the more sound asleep.

As the sayings go, we can't all have good things now don't we?

Your father; Mr. May, makes his appearance known by being your very own personal alarm clock with just the knocking of his fingers against your door. You grumble and turn your body over to face away from the door, mumbling against the smooth cover of the bed. Ignoring everything around you as you swam into the covers, your lips tugging upwards in satisfaction.
You don't see it, but you heard your father's footsteps slowly getting louder and louder. You're sure he's gonna shake you awake for it's something that happens often for you aren't clearly a morning person, but what you didn't expect was another pair of footsteps.

"Gregory, I don't think it's a good idea to—" Your father says in a voice that was almost as quiet as a whisper. You then hear Gregory shushing your father immediately, it kind of irked you. Kind of.

You tried to continue your sleep, but you could only close your eyes and figure out what would happen next. You then hear one pair of footsteps getting louder, it didn't sound loud but it was definitely lighter than before.

What caught you surprised was the sound of sloshing water and the small clacking of metal.

The internal puzzles clicked together in your head, your eyes shot open and immediately dived to the farthest side of your bed, making your back pressed so tightly into the wall.

And right before you, was Gregory in his childish glory raising a bucket of water high up in the air. This rascal of a child. He was about to give you a shower himself, and you aren't too happy about it. You prefer that you do it yourself.

"Aww.. you heard me?" He blinked his eyes with a mock frown, slowly lowering the bucket and placing it into the floor. You roll your eyes and crawled your way out of your bed, internally saying a heartbroken goodbye to it. "Have you heard? I have Spidey senses" You snark, before ruffling his hair to his dismay and locking him in with your other arm.

"You could've done better than that, you thought that was gonna work?" You leveled him with a blank look.

"Ah! Memay! Help!" Gregory whines out as he tries to wiggle out of your grasp, you snort and begin ruffling his hair again before letting him go. Your father laughing at the commotion before him. "Alright you two, breakfast is ready" Your father enlightens you both and goes off to carry the bucket of water and walks his way to the kitchen. You stuck your tongue out at Gregory and watching as he sticks his tongue back at you.

You walked to the kitchen in which was a dining room as well, your house really isn't that big. Gregory followed from behind, happily talking about how he's gonna catch you off guard one of these days. Psh, like he's ever gonna pull a prank on you without you knowing. Coughing into your hand, forgetting about some occasions where he IS successful with his plans. You push those memories away, you need to focus on a breakfast to get you going for the day and act all day with smiles, so you could fit in with all the civilians of WheyHill.

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