7. Holding back all the bite just to bark

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Hoo boy, this took long

Had a huge writer's block and was distracted by a lot of things. But really? I'm not gonna make up excuses anymore :")

I procrastinated and that was on me

Hope you're ready for this chapter


Your toes crumpled within itself, as you brought yourself even deeper into the depths of the unforgiving sea. The world watched you at a standby, doing nothing as you willingly plunged yourself to strike at the bottom. You expected treasure and a light, but you met only the blank space of the lengthy sand. You were at the ocean floor, in darkness and eternity. The cold waters prisoned you in icy captivity— you try to swim even further in the dark, using your hands and legs to paddle forward. You were far from your known vessel, but that's not what you're trying to find tonight, oh no. You were gonna look for the the smidgen of light in the voided sea, something to grasp and something to hold. Your legs going up and down, pushing through the waters that never had it's own eyes but a sight from every corner.

The further you went, the more you touched the ocean floor— hopping forward and creating clouds of sand blooming with each bounce. Never minding how thicker the water had gotten around you the further you went, despite how harsh it got on you, you kept going.

You started a day, not expecting an expedition in your life. One where you try to find that flicker of light, but you don't really know why you wanted to find the light. Your legs kept paddling, but for what reason? Your brain kept telling you to keep on going, and ignore all concerns that may scream at every path in your mind scape. You go and go, your body getting tighter when the pressure of the ocean becomes a lot more cruel on you. The water was cruel, you were in a sweaty rodeo with the waters as your wild bull. You buck into the intensity grasping into you, trying to find a way to tango with the waters, but you slipped and all your might was voided when your body hurdled with the ocean's tug. You flapped your arms desperately, bubbles of your last breath bidding your lungs goodbye as they floated away in a burbling chain.

You thought that was the last of it, you were descending into your sandy grave here— no light found: no exit.

Why do try? Why even bother to find a light? What prize is there in the end? You, but a ponder of all these questions. Letting yourself float away, no air to breathe but still living. You weren't breathing, there's nothing left in you but you're still alive— you're awake. You were sprawled in the pushing waters, no more trying but letting it drag you to unknown territory.

Better to just let all things happen around you than do anything. In this case, perhaps.

You've gone insane, you always were. But you ask yourself that even more when a slim shadowing figure swam around your drifting body, swimming with a trail of long tresses of the dark breaking off from it's body. Eyes showing undecipherable  emotion, fear? Anger? Is it curious? Does it know who you are?

"Who are you?" You asked the stranger.

Does it know you?

"Who are you?" You asked the stranger.

You definitely don't know who it is. Not once in your life, you did recall.

"Who are you?" You asked the stranger.

Makes sense that it would never know who you are.

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