A/N A thank you :)

30 4 3

277 reads????
22 VOTES??
Whoever you people are, settling down to read my long ass of a book and somehow enjoying it, thank you.

Thank you so much.

Those numbers above? They may not look so much, but it truly means a lot to me that there are people around that enjoy the macaroni mess I'm making. Pages used, words written, so many of them— all of them being read by YOU guys. You have my heart guys. You are not the people that I just make a fanfic for. You are people that I meet on my travel, my friends. Coming together to make stories and enjoy what our creative minds will concoct for everyone, we're in this, you and me.

At first, I created Two Twin Points just to push out this idea of creating an au, and also joining in the bandwagon of people making a barrage of Sun x Reader x Moon(Have you seen how MANY xreaders there are of these celestial animatronos?). But really, I realize that all of it? It's just letting your mind flow, a world created with just your fingertips. That's cool, but what's even cooler is that I get to share it with wonderful people like you. And also as same with other fanfic writers, I get to see their wonderful work, and it's fucking beautiful.


Also the comments? BAHAHAHAHAA
(Hi looking at you MiaIceCreamLover AJlikesundertale EhIDunnoLol )
Love reading all of them, I know, Sun is a dork
here and knows absolutely nothing on how everything works

Yet again, thank you. Thank you so much.

 Thank you so much

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Two Twin Points (Sun/Reader/Moon)Where stories live. Discover now