This charming man pt 1

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Chapter 1: Preface

Chapter Text
Seymour misted the plants that laid along the basement shelves, standing up on his tiptoes. He sighed and set the watering device down on a small table. The sound of a radio crackled slightly with static overpowering the news broadcast.

He swept up the floor beneath him, and paused to listen to his surroundings. Quickly, he reached out and turned the radio down, perking his head up and tuning his ears in.

There was commotion upstairs; something that sounded like an argument. Audrey and her greasy boyfriend again. She pleaded with him, trying to explain herself for some reason or another, and he responded aggressively in his thick Brooklyn accent, shouting obscene names and cursing her out.

The florist sighed and shook his head. He raised the volume on the radio so that he couldn't hear the muffled bickering, and continued sweeping.

He was merely aware of Orin, and hated him. He didn't like how he talked to Audrey. That was as far as he had thought of him.

At that moment, at least.

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