Chapter 9: I pull my eyes out, hold my breath and wait

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December 28th 1986. Benton, Illinois.

"Max? ... Took a gamble that you'd be there after last week's milk incident ... yes everything is fine I just need to keep it down it's early ...oh I'm not bothered if I disturbed you"

The sound of muffled voices cause Will to stir. He blinks as he wakes, rubbing his hands firmly across his eyes before stretching out. He lay still for a moment, thinking of the events of the night before

"Mike- What? Are you - what?"

"Yes? I think so?"

Not exactly the conversation I expected to be having during a long overdue catch-up he thinks before turning to face Mike's camp bed, finding he wasn't there

"You could have just told me, you know?! ... what's that supposed to mean? ... Oh, screw letting me figure out on my own!"

And that would be where Mike was.

He debated trying to get back to sleep, it was only a little after nine after all, no-one could scold him for getting a little extra sleep over the holidays. However, he was already quite awake and, despite Mike's efforts at keeping things down, he wasn't exactly succeeding on that front so he decided he may as well get up. He gives one final stretch out before pulling off his covers and walking into the hallway.

Mike's standing there, leaning against the wall, receiver against his right ear, his free hand pressed against his forehead, bangs pushed up. Will gives a smile, he just looks more Mike. Not that he hadn't been himself over the last couple of days but something had just seemed to be off- which in hindsight, now made perfect sense. He'd considered how he himself had been acting when he was starting to figure things out. Sure he wasn't in the slightly complex situation of having a girlfriend and having to consider if what you felt for her was genuine, but he supposed really, if he replaced El with Nick in this scenario it would be the same.

He debated letting Mike know he was there, but took to observing him for a moment

"All I'm saying Max is ... no let me say my ... Max!"

He chuckles softly to himself, as Mike furiously rolls his eyes, he hands acting out motions as he speaks, almost as if she were right there with them

"Can I? ... Finally! As I was saying, if you'd told me that night in the basement or after the arcade I could have been feeling an awful lot better an awful lot quicker ..."

Wait, the arcade? What happened at the arcade?

" ... of course not! Still wouldn't have. Seriously that's the kind of person you take me for? ...completely besides the point-... Max no I'm not doing that to-"

"Will!" Mike has noticed him, surprised by his presence "Hi. sorry did I wake you?"

Will feels his face flush at being caught listening in, Mike's doing the same. If he listens carefully, he can just about hear Max laugh down the phone.

"No it's ok, I probably should have got up a while ago anyway. You're calling Max? You ?"

"Oh I'm just as surprised as you are by this ( "Really Mike?"- Max says through the receiver.) Give me a second ok?"

He says a few parting words to Max, niceties undercut with phrases that were typical of their friendship ( "Yeah, yeah. See you in a few days. Unfortunately") before hanging up the phone, bringing his full attention back to Will.

"Hey" Mike smiles

"Hi" Will returns

"Sorry for waking you. I know I've already said it but-"

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