Chapter 12: Oh there's lots that I could say, but just hold me now

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New Years Eve, 1986. Benton, Illinois.

Mike wakes up early on New Years Eve, finding that the thoughts swirling around his head were keeping him from awake, although the fact that he kept being kicked in the face whenever El moved in her sleep, definitely didn't help.

It's around six when he finally gives up on drifting back off so he carefully, as not to wake El, climbs out of the bed, reaching into his duffel bag to pull on another sweater (Joyce had put her foot down and told Will to at least let Mike go into his room to get his clothes and, though Will had conceded, he was conveniently making a drink whilst Mike was in there) and heads to the kitchen to make coffee.


Walking in, he finds his sister, sitting on the couch, holding a mug. She's surrounded by blankets and a pillow suggesting this was where she'd slept last night. Mike feels a surge of guilt.

"Just made some coffee. There should be enough in the pot" Nancy tells him, in lieu of an answer

"You look as bad as I feel" Mike tells her as he heads for the coffee pot

"Gee thanks Mike, good morning to you too"

He pours himself a mug, not stopping at the fridge for milk, before joining Nancy on the couch, pulling one of her blankets over himself.

Neither of them say anything for a little while; they sit, the drink, they're surrounded by silence.

"So why are you up?" It's Nancy that breaks it, still not looking at him

"Could ask the same about you"

"Me and Jonathan had an argument"

"The Byers are on a roll"

"Is Will still mad at you?" Mad might be an understatement at this point he thinks, taking a sip of his coffee. He shudders slightly at the taste, mentally adding this to his increasingly long list of things he's apparently got wrong in the past two days.

"I mean he won't come near me if that's any indication" Mike shrugs, taking another sip, shuddering again.

"What happened?" She asks, finally turning to face him. She lifts one knee onto the couch, settling it under her.

"Do you have all day?" Mike laughs humourlessly "What happened with you and Jonathan?"

"We had a little disagreement about-"

"Me and Will?"

"Is there a youandWill?" Nancy's eyebrow raises

"I don't know if there's a me and Will let alone a meandwill"

"Mike, I don't think either of you know how to be one without the other"

"Well, Will's doing just fine. Seems happy pretending like I don't exist"

There's a quiet again. Mike pulls the blanket a little further up

"I'm sorry that you and Jonathan are fighting. You haven't broken up have you?"

"No, no. I'm sure we'll be fine. Just really didn't want a Jonathan Byers lecture last night"

"Still, I am sorry you're fighting because of me"

"Mike" Nancy sighs "You didn't make us fight. You're my brother. If you think I'm ever going to stand by silently when something hurts you, you really haven't been paying attention. Besides, Jonathan is just doing the same thing for Will that I'm doing for you. I may be mad at him, but I can't argue with his logic"

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