13 - More Questions About Neo

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Lucas's brown eyes are wide with fear as they stare up at me.

He's twisted. His knees on the ground and his stomach turned to the side so he can stare at me. I still hold his arm twisted behind him.

"It's not what it looks like!"

I open my mouth, then close it.

Lucas. Did he start the fire? Why is he here? Lucas wouldn't hurt a fly... I think. So why would he be near a fire? A magical one. And why was he running?

"It looks like you started the fire and are trying to get away," I say, pushing on his arm. I don't mean to.

He grimaces. "I know that's what it looks like but that's not what it is."

"Then what is it?" I release his arm and throw my hands up. "Why were you running? In a black hoodie with the hood up? Do you know how suspicious that makes you look?"

He hugs his arm to his chest. His eyes are downcasted. "I know it looks bad. But I had nothing to do with the fire."

"That's still not answering my questions and I really don't want to hand you off to the cops."

His head snaps up, his eyes wide. "I thought you said you didn't want them near me."

"I don't. But if you can't tell me why you were here then I can't protect you."

He sighs. "I was walking home from practice when I thought I saw Neo-"

"But he lives in the other direction," I interrupt.

He nods. "I know, which is why I brushed it off. But then I got closer to him and it was him, just staring at the building. So I wanted to see how the tutoring went, but when he looked at me, his eyes..." He trails off. His eyes unfocused and a far away look takes over his face. When he speaks again his voice is small and far away. "They were a dark blue, like the deepest depths of the ocean. They had a... mischievous glint to them."

"Dark blue? But Neo has green eyes..."

Was it the thing? The thing that he said needed out? Is it somehow taking control of him?

"He snapped his fingers and... and a fire started up in his hands." Lucas looks at me. His gaze burns into mine. "A green fire that he then flicked turned the building."

I shake my head. "You're telling me that... that Neo started the fire?"

Lucas nods.

"No. That's impossible! He doesn't have magic. There's no way he can do that." Right? It has to be that thing in him. Whatever is living in him has magic not Neo... right?

I shake my head to get rid of the thoughts. I can deal with them later, right now I need to find out more. "Why were you running?"

Lucas rubs the back of his neck. A pink blooms on his face. "He took off after and I thought I could catch him, but he was fast. And Neo's fast but never that fast."

I run a hand through my hair.

This must be why he needs help. The thing in him is taking over and wreaking havoc on the town. He wants it out to protect the town and himself.

"Do you know where he went?" I ask.

Lucas shakes his head. "I lost him when you tripped me."

I grimace. "Sorry about that... thought you were the one who started the fire." I hold my hand out to him to help him up.

He takes it. "Well, I'm not."

"Thank goodness."

Lucas dusts himself off. "Thanks for the chat but I need to get home."

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