Planet of the Ood Pt2:

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The three walked through the complex before they came to a locked gate that Galaxy opened with her sonic.

"Ood Shift 8 commencing. I repeat, Ood Shift 8 commencing." A computer system announced.

They stepped through the gate and came to a part of the complex that was closed off to visitors. They walked up some stairs to a metal walkway where they could see an open area that the Ood were being marched around. They saw one Ood fall to its knees and a guard went over to it.

"Get up. I said, get up!" The guard ordered and cracked a whip.

"Servants? They're slaves." Donna gasped.

"Get up!" The guard ordered again, whipping the Ood who just barely managed to stand, "March!"

"Last time we met the Ood, we never thought...We never asked..." The Doctor trailed. "That's not like you." Donna commented. "We were busy. So busy we couldn't save them. We had to let the Ood die."

"Then I guess we owe them one." Galaxy said, taking hold of the Doctor's hand and he smiled at her support. "That looks like the boss." Donna whispered and they looked to see a man in a suit walking across the area with an Ood and a man in a lab coat behind him.

"Let's keep out of his way. Come on." The Doctor said.

They headed down the stairs and into the open area, the Doctor held out a map of the complex as they wandered around when a whistle sounded. He ducked in surprise before he turned to see Galaxy and Donna smirking at his reaction.

"Where did you learn to whistle?" He asked Donna as he walked over to the door they were standing by. "West Ham, every Saturday." She laughed. Galaxy unlocked the door with her sonic and they walked into the warehouse to see it filled with shipping containers, a large metal claw moving along a track on the ceiling, lifting and moving the crates.

"Ood Export. That claw lifts the containers, takes them to the rocket ships and flies them out to all three galaxies." Galaxy explained as she nodded to the claw. "What, you mean, these containers are full of...?"

"What do you think?" The Doctor asked grimly, walking over to the nearest container with Galaxy and opening it up to reveal a number of Ood stationed inside. "Oh, it stinks. How many of 'em do you think are in each one?"

"50? 100? More?" Galaxy shrugged. "A great, big empire, built on slavery." Donna shook her head. "It's not so different from your time." The Doctor commented. "Oi, I haven't got slaves!" Donna exclaimed. "Who do you think made your clothes?"

"Is that why you travel around with a human at your side? It's not so you can show them the wonders of the universe, it's so you can take cheap shots?" She frowned. "Sorry."

"Well, don't. Spaceman." Donna said and the Doctor smirked while Galaxy smiled. "I don't understand, the door was open...why didn't you run away?" Donna asked the Ood. "For what reason?" One of them asked. "So you can be free." Galaxy replied. "I do not understand the concept."

"What is it with that Persil ball? I mean, they're not born with it, are they? Why do they have to be all plugged in?" Donna asked them. "Ood, tell me, does 'the circle' mean anything to you?" The Doctor asked. "The circle must be broken."

"Whoa, that is crazy." Donna commented. "What is the circle though?" Galaxy asked. "The circle must be broken." The Ood repeated. "Why?" The Doctor asked. "So that we can sing." Suddenly an alarm sounded.

"That's us, come on!" The Doctor said and they started running. They ran through the maze of shipping containers, Galaxy and the Doctor running on ahead when Donna stopped at a closed door and shouted after them.

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