The Poison Sky Pt3:

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The Doctor soniced the teleport again and the Tardis was beamed down to where it had been which was the alley and he turned to the women and Astro. "Right, now. Martha, you coming?" He asked. "What about this nuclear launch thing?"

"Keep pressing N. It'll keep the missiles on the ground." Galaxy said as she handed her the PDA the clone had. "But there's...two of them." Donna said seeing the clone. "Yeah, long story." The Doctor said and they all ran into the teleport pod, "Here we go. The old team, back together! Well, the new team."

"We're not going back on that ship!"

"No, no, no, no. I needed to get the teleport working so that we could get to..." They teleported back to the Rattigan Academy, "Here! The Rattigan Academy, owned by..." They looked to see Luke approaching them with a gun pointed at them.

"Don't tell anyone what I did! It wasn't my fault, the Sontarans lied to me, they..." The Doctor went over and grabbed the gun from him as Galaxy motioned for Astro to follow her to the lab. "If I see one more gun..."

"You know, that coat, sort of works." Donna commented, looking at Martha as they followed the Time Lords. "Feel like a kid in my dad's clothes." Martha said. "Oh, well if you're calling him dad you're definitely, completely 100% over him."

"What are you doing?" Luke asked as they caught up to the Doctor and Galaxy in the lab. Galaxy and Astro were rushing about, grabbing different pieces of equipment while the Doctor watched at a table. "The Sontarans needed to stop the missiles. They had to be careful since caesofine gas is volatile, it's why they had to use you to stop the nuclear attack. Ground to air engagement would spart off the entire thing."

"What, like set fire to the atmosphere?" Martha frowned. "Yeah. They needed all the gas intact to breed their clone army. And all the time we had Luke here in his dream factory. Planning a little trip, were we?" The Doctor asked. "They promised me a new world."

"You were building equipment, ready to terra-form anything so humans could live there and breathe the air with this. An atmospheric converter." Galaxy said. "Brillant." The Doctor said.

Galaxy picked up the converter and they headed for the doors, he held them open and they all ran outside.

"That's London. You can't even see it. My family's in there." Donna gasped, seeing the gas surrounding it. "Just have to find the right setting." Galaxy muttered as she worked the controls. "Hold on. You said the atmosphere would ignite."

"Yeah, I did, didn't I?" He asked. Galaxy stood up and pressed a button, shooting a flame up into the sky. The gas ignited and spread, dissipating and burning the gas, revealing clear blue sky. "She's a genius!" Luke shouted.

"Just brilliant." Martha breathed.

"Now we're in trouble!" The Doctor said before grabbing the converter and they ran back inside all the way to the teleport pad which the Doctor soniced.

"Right. So, Donna, thank you for everything. Martha, you too. Oh, so many times. Luke, do something clever with your life. Galaxy, I love you more than anything. Astro, look after her for me, won't you?" He said and Martha grabbed Galaxy when the Time Lady made a move to go after him.

"You're saying goodbye." Donna gasped. "Don't you dare." Galaxy said, her voice shaking slightly. "Sontarans are never defeated. They'll be getting ready for war. And, well, you know, I've recalibrated this for Sontaran air, so..."

"You're going to ignite them." Martha said. "And in doing so killing yourself." Astro frowned. "Just send that thing up on its own. I don't know. Put it on a delay." Martha said as she wrapped her arms more around Galaxy.

"I can't."

"Why not?"

"I've got to give them a choice." Galaxy got out of Martha's hold and ran towards the teleport but the Doctor quickly sent himself away before she could reach him.

Galaxy stepped back in shock as tears appeared in her eyes, Martha ran over to her friend and brought her into a hug when she saw the tears and Donna joined them and stroked Galaxy's hair.

"He better come back alive." Martha said, looking at the teleport. "What do you mean?" Donna asked, feeling there was more to her words. "Galaxy's more sensitive when it comes to people she cares about leaving her. The first thing this face saw was her brother dying, who knows what the Doctor not coming back would do." Astro explained.

None of them noticed Luke had been watching them, watching Galaxy and then at the teleport until he ran over to said teleport and started working on the controls.

"What are you doing?" Martha asked.

"Something clever." Was all he said before teleporting away. Suddenly the Doctor appeared in the teleport, looking confused as to how he got there. He moved to sit down at the edge of the pad and was nearly knocked back when Galaxy threw herself to him.

'Don't EVER do that again.' She told him as she buried her face in his shoulder and he hugged her tightly, sending her an apology. Martha sat down by them with Astro and Donna slapped him on the arm before doing the same.


"How were they?" Martha asked as Donna walked into the Tardis after seeing her family. "Oh, same old stuff. They're fine. So, are you coming with us? We're not exactly short of space." She said as they stood around the console.

"Oh, I have missed all this, but, you know. I'm good here, back at home. And I'm better for having been away. Besides, someone needs me. Never mind the universe, I've got a great big world of my own now."

Martha started walking when suddenly the doors slammed shut on their own and the time roter activated, throwing them around.

"What? What?" The Doctor shouted, grabbing onto the console.

"Doctor, don't you are!" Martha yelled.

"No, no, no! I didn't touch anything! We're in flight, it's not me!"

"Where are we going?" Donna asked.

"We don't know. It's out of control!"

"Doctor, just listen to me. You take me home. Take me home right now!"

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