Chapter 2

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Shutting my eyes quickly as the sun coming in through my open window blinded me the first thing I could think of was I’m late to practice again, shoot. I should have been up an hour ago and already on my way but no of course last night I could barely get any sleep because of the loud party going on next door.

Jumping out of bed I grabbed some random clothes out of my closet and quickly jumped into the shower trying to be as fast as I could but still look decent.

Once out of the shower I sped out the door not bothering to grab breakfast or anything and hopped into my car.


After sitting in traffic for half an hour and spending another fifteen minutes looking for a parking space I settled on parking a few blocks down the road by an old school book store. Hopefully my car will be safe here but I really don’t give a damn, I’m extremely late for practice and Mr. Rope is going to hang me by my you know whats.

Locking up the car I began jogging up the sidewalk trying to dodge various tourists and shoppers. I failed miserably when I rammed straight into a petite brunette causing her to stumble backwards and spill hot coffee all over the front of her shirt.

I really need to go but I can’t be a jerk and not help her up. I was having an inner battle and finally settled on extending my hand to the chick on the ground. “Sorry about that I was in a hurry and wasn’t paying attention to where I was going.”

She grabbed my hand and hoisted herself up. She looked down at her shirt and frowned as she looked up, “Well you need-“She stopped short as soon as she met my eyes.

The only sound I could hear was my heart pounding. It’s her. She is really here in front of me.

I sighed, “Gab-“

“Save it Cayden I really don’t want to talk to you right now. You ruined my shirt and I have an interview in twenty minutes!” She cut me off as she furiously tried to wipe the spreading stain off of her white button up shirt.

“Gabby I really am sorry. I was late for practice and I was just trying to get there and I didn’t see you. Come on lets go down the block and I’ll buy you a new shirt for your interview.”

She huffed and crossed her arms a deep frown adorning her angelic face. “But aren’t you late for practice? Why waste more time on me?”

Wow she really thinks I would be wasting time by spending it with her? Well I guess with the way I acted the last time I saw her it really isn’t hard to believe.

Sighing I reached out and took her hand pulling her along with me as I headed towards the closest clothing shop, “I’m not wasting my time with you. I know why you would think that and I don’t blame you for hating me but please give me a chance to prove I’m not that same person anymore.”

“Whatever Cayden.” She gave a small smile as she followed beside me.


Once we made it to the shop we found her a nice pink button up to replace her white one and walked back towards the place where she was headed.

“So where is your interview at?”

She glanced over at me for a second before resuming staring intently at the buildings we passed, “It’s for the book store. They are looking for someone to help run it since the owner’s partner passed away last week. I applied and he called me instantly asking for an interview so here I am.”

Must Be Fate (Sequel to Unexpected Love)Where stories live. Discover now