Chapter 11

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 A/N: This chapter is dedicated to Aryan, who is a very talented writer. She just started her first story on Wattpad called Unstoppable and I highly suggest if you are looking for something to read its worth checking out! You won't be dissappointed so go on over there and give her some reads! :)


Waking up to the bright sun shining through the curtains, my head was pounding. The events of yesterday came rushing back and I had to stop the tears from falling again. Real men don’t cry, I chanted to myself over and over again. Although I guess it’s healthy to cry every now and then. I can’t help but feel as if Gabriella wasn’t being completely honest. The way she looks at me sometimes makes me doubt that it’s a platonic relationship and the way she jealous of Allie and me the day at the park…

A loud bang echoed throughout the house causing me to jump out of bed, hopping on one foot to pull last night’s discarded jeans on before rushing to the front door, the source of the noise. Swinging the door open I was met with a cocky grin.

“Wake up sleeping beauty, its party time!” Codi greeted as he shoved his way inside. Hello to you to…

“Hello Cody, won’t you come in?” I teased as I closed the door behind me.

“Eh, I don’t need an invite. What’s yours is mine and what’s mine is…well mine. Caprice?” He smirked as he made himself at home on the settee, propping his long legs up on the old coffee table.

“Ay, no feet on the table, C-Lee.” I shoved his feet off as I walked past to sit on the recliner. “Don’t you dare put them back up there.”

“Goodness, someone sure is a little crabby today.”

“What male says goodness? That’s a chick thing.” I chuckled flipping through the stations on the radio.

“It’s my new catch phrase, you like?”

“Uh no. Makes you sound a little gay.”

“So…I heard about Gabs. Sorry man. I really thought she was into you.” He frowned.

“So did I…Guess I was wrong?”

“I guess that other dude just does it better.” He snorted.

I knew there was going to be a wise crack in there somewhere. He can’t stay sentimental for more than a second without having to make fun of something or someone. I’m sure Allie can keep him in check though. They seem to have attitudes to match each other. Speaking of Allie…I should get her over here so I can officially introduce her to this blockhead while he’s here.

“I’ll just pretend you didn’t say that. You ready to meet the chick I was telling you about?”

“Hell yeah man, bring it!” He hollered pumping a fist in the air.

Hades flew out of nowhere over the back of the settee and latched onto his arm. God that thing is the devil I swear. Guess he thought Codi’s fist was a chew toy?

“What the hell is this…this monstrosity?” He yelled as he tried to shake the mangy orange ball of fluff off of his arm.

“That my friend is Hades. He is the cat Allie got me.”

He managed to get Hades detached from his arm and the devil itself had now padded over to the recliner and made himself at home on my lap, purring as loud as a motorboat.

“I don’t think I want to meet this chicky if she thinks that thing is a good idea of a gift.” He muttered rubbing the bright red claw marks along his right arm.

“Chill C-Lee, she’s not a bad person. She just thought that Hades was just like me and she figured that getting me the devil cat would help me stop talking to inanimate objects and naming them.” I chuckled, running my fingers through Hade’s soft, tangled fur. I think I need to give him a bath later and attempt to brush him…Maybe I should get him a lion cut? Then he will look badass, just like how he acts.

“You have always had a problem naming things. Speaking of, how is Annabel?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Running beautifully as always, I also have a new friend, Kendall. She’s a beaut, a nice new Gibson Hummingbird.” I smirked.

“That’s badass man, but why the name Kendall? Geez you always pick some random weird names Cade.”

“They just come to me. You’re just jealous you don’t have a great mind.”

“Na I’m just glad I wasn’t dropped on my head as a kid, unlike you.”

“Whatever C-Lee, go make yourself useful and go make lunch while I call Allie and see if she can come over and meet your dumb face.”

“Awe Cade, don’t tell her that! I do not have a dumb face, I have a pretty face.” He teased as he hoisted himself off the settee and made his way to the kitchen. “I hope sandwiches are ok!” He shouted over his shoulder.

“That’s fine.” I shouted picking up my phone I dialed Allies number. Three rings and I heard her yawn before pushing out a soft, “Hello.”

“Hey Shorty, I have someone over here I want you to meet. I think you’d like him. You free to come over?”

“Give me a bit to get ready and wake up and I’ll be there. This guy better be worth waking me up early pretty boy.” She mumbled through the phone trying to stop yawning.

“I’m sure you will like him. And that’s fine, head over whenever. I have him making me lunch so by the time you get over here we should be done cleaning up after it.”

“Ok Cayden. Bye.” She yawned and the phone went dead.

“What she’d say? Huh huh huh?” Codi appeared out of the entry way and was bouncing up and down. His eyes were glazed over and he had specks of brown along his jaw.

“Oh god C, please tell me you didn’t get into my candy drawer! You better not have eaten my Snickers or I’ll kill you!” I jumped up and pushed past him, rushing over to my secret drawer. It was completely empty. With the amount of sugary goodness I had hidden in there, this kid is going to be high on chocolate all day… Worst of all he ate my Snickers! “Codi, get your ass here now!”

He took one look at the cold glare I was giving him and booked it to the front door. “Ha ha you can’t catch me slow poke!” He yelled over his shoulder before throwing open the door and rushing out.

“I’ll show you slow poke.” I mumbled to myself as I took off running after him. This is one of the many things I’m going to miss now that the band is over. Leave it up to us to bring out the kid in all of us every now and then.

Must Be Fate (Sequel to Unexpected Love)Where stories live. Discover now