Chapter 6

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A/N: Alright guys, this should be the last 'boring' chapter for a while. Just wanted to take the first part of the story and establish why he did what he did and the reactions of those close to him etc... So after this chapter the real fun begins! :) Enjoy and don't forget to let me know what you think! :)



We ate in silence until a loud buzzing interrupted the relaxing atmosphere. Pulling out my phone the caller Id flashed with a name I never thought I would see.

“Sorry Mr. and Mrs. Smith but I need to take this.” Pointing to the phone as I stood up they nodded and I accepted the call as I walked out of the dining room. “Hello?”


“Don’t you hello me, Cayden Lee McDaniel! Do you know how worried your friends have been and now me? Taylor called me freaking out because you haven’t showed up to practice, you’re not answering your phone and you and your car hasn’t been home in two days!”

“Calm down Angel. I’m fine. I’m in Culver City. To be more specific I am at your parents’ house.”

“I would love to know why you’re at my momma and daddy’s house but that can wait. I have Taylor and Lucas here at my apartment and they are looking for you. They looked me up in the phone book just to track me down. That’s how worried they are. We are on our way. Don’t leave there Cay, I mean it.” The revving of her engine clipped off her angry tone just before the line went dead.

Maybe I shouldn’t have answered the call… Now I have to explain everything to all of them much sooner than I wanted to.

A large hand pressed down on my shoulder causing my heart to race, swinging around I was met with a pair of concerned, worn out green eyes. “Are you alright son?”

“Yes Mr. Smith. That was Gabriella. She is on her way here with some of the boys from my band.  Apparently they are very worried.”

He let out a hearty laugh, “That’s my princess, always the worrier. Although rushing out here at this time of night is over exagerating it a bit, she loves you Cayden and she just wants to make sure you are ok.”

If only she loved me the way I wanted her too. I have no one to blame but myself.

Heaving a sigh I slipped my phone back into my pocket. “I know she does. I’m just not sure I’m ready to explain everything to them just yet.”

“It’s better to let it out now Cayden. They are your friends. They will support you just as much as we do. You are making a big change with your life and having friends around who support your choice will help more than you know.”

* * * * * * *     <3     * * * * * * *

“I think you are doing the right thing Cay. You need this.” Gabriella confirmed as she perched herself on the arm of the loveseat beside me.  Her faith in me warmed me to the core. She was always the one who supported me in everything I did even if it didn’t make sense to her.

Sure enough half an hour after she hung up, she was here with Taylor and Lucas in tow. I had sat them down and explained everything to them just as I had with her parents. Needless to say they were all taking it better than expected and were really being supportive of it all.

Must Be Fate (Sequel to Unexpected Love)Where stories live. Discover now