Chapter 10

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 A/N: Check out the video on the right. That is my Cayden :) His name is Alex Goot and he is just amazing!!!  My best friend got to meet him him because he is good friends with the DJ at the club she works at and she said he is just the sweetest thing ever! Back to the point, the voice is what I imagine for Cayden and the song...well listen to it. I think it fits Cayden to a T! :)


Allie’s face appeared over mine and gave me the fright of my life. “Don’t do that Shorty!”

“Well don’t leave your door unlocked then and I won’t. What are you up to?” She rolled her eyes and plopped herself down onto my stretched out legs. Well there goes my relaxing night on the couch…

“Well as you can tell I am laying on my couch trying to relax.” I teased.

“Relaxing is for losers.”

“Guess I’m a loser than. Did you talk to Gabby before she left back to New York yesterday?” I asked.

“Yeah she told me she was heading back. Something about work or whatnot. Did she stop by and talk to you? She said she was going to.”

“Yeah she did. It was very…interesting.”

“How so?” She asked.

I went on to explain Gabriella’s unexpected goodbye. When I was done Allie was rolling her eyes. “That girl really needs to just accept her feelings and make a permanent decision about what she wants.”

“Yeah that would be nice.” I muttered.

“Where’s that cute little cat of yours?” She looked around for the devil’s spawn that ate my Ipad.

As if on cue Hades waltzed in and began running laps around my old decrepit coffee table. Allie giggled and said, “He looks like he’s on a sugar rush. What on earth have you been feeding him Pretty Boy?”

“Nothing, I swear! He’s been like that all day. I think he got into his cat nip. I thought I put it out of his reach but I swear he’s some kind of super alien cat or something.” I chuckled as He slipped across the tile and smashed his already flat face even more into the wall.

My phone blaring Katy Perry’s E.T. made Allie laugh even harder. Holding up a finger, motioning I’ll be a minute I flipped it open and tried to control my laughter as I said an out of breath “Hello.”

The person on the other line spoke extremely fast but I got the gist of the call and hung up automatically. Seeing my shocked expression Allie rushed over and put a comforting hand on my shoulder, “Pretty boy what’s wrong?”

Trying to come to terms with the news I just received I took a deep breathing willing myself not to lose control. I could already feel the anger bubbling up and trying to claw its way out. The urge to throw my fist through the closest wall was hard to push down. Clenching and unclenching my shaking hands I found my voice. “That was Kyrie…its Gabriella…She’s…She’s…” I stuttered.

“She’s what Cayden? What’s wrong?” Allie whispered urgently.

“Gabriella had a car accident. She’s in the Mercer Hospital in LA. Kyrie said she’s ok. She’s just sustained trauma to the head. She said they did an MRI and everything and she’s ok. She just needed to have stiches and has a concussion. They are keeping her overnight.” My voice broke and I willed back the stinging tears that were building up. My Angel was hurt and I wasn’t there for her…

Must Be Fate (Sequel to Unexpected Love)Where stories live. Discover now