Chapter 4

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It’s been three weeks, two days and five hours since I last spoke to Gabriella that fateful day when I crashed into her. It’s beginning to take its toll on me and affecting everything in my life. I have no passion to sing anymore, it’s tedious just to get up and go to practice. I can’t even gather up the energy to go out with the boys anymore either.

Why her?

Why does she affect me this much? She makes my life so complicated! I went five years the first time without talking to her and I did ok. I was able to put her in the back of my mind and move on. But once I saw her for the first time after those long five years it seems that all she does is invade my every thought.  

I wanted her to call me that night and ask me to hang out. I wanted her to show me there is still a part of her that misses me as much as I do her.  I guess there isn’t. She never called, not once. I tried to catch her at the bookstore but every time I went by she was never there…

Why is it that not talking to her is affecting my career… my life? What’s so special about a girl who I used to be friends with a long time ago?

Groaning in frustration I pulled myself out of my thoughts. I won’t let her affect me this way. She’s the past and I need to move on. I had my chance and I lost to…him. I know he treats her right and takes care of her and makes her happy and as long as she is happy I should be too.

It’s time to do something for myself for once in my life. I love singing and writing songs but I can’t do the whole fame thing anymore right now. Being in a boy band is not going to last forever. I need to think about my future and what I want.

I need…I need some time to think… alone. It’s time to go home, back to where I started. Back to where all the fun memories are. I need to find myself again.

*                *               *            *

The wind ruffled my hair in the slight breeze as I climbed out of the car. Looking up I took in the small two story house that was once my home. There was a for sale sign placed in front of the house on the manicured lawn. Over to the left stood the biggest tree in the yard, our tire swing still attached although it’s now decrepit and frayed. So many good memories on that tire swing…

Glancing back at the house I took in the white walls and blue trim. The front door that always creaked when opened, making it very hard to sneak out. The crack was still visible on the top left window from when Gabriella and I had played football many years ago. The ball was thrown to hard, causing it to crash into my window leaving a big crack.

Chuckling at the memory of her shocked face I turned around and took a look at the sign, mentally writing down the address of the realtor.

After one last look at my childhood home I climbed back into the car and took off in the opposite direction.

*              *              *              *

“Are you sure you want to pay that much for that old thing Mr. McDaniel?”

“I’m sure. Here’s a check with the full amount Mr. Rhoades.” I handed the realtor a check endorsed with an amount so ridiculous that you would think twice about paying it. Not me, that house was worth way more than that figure to me. It was priceless.

“Ok then. If you are sure about it then sign here, and here and there.” He pointed to each dotted line that required my signature.

Quickly scribbling my name I slid the paper across the tiny desk.

“Nice doing business with you Mr. McDaniel. All furniture that was in the house prior to it going up for sale is still inside. We haven’t had any buyers in the six years it’s been available.” Handing the keys to me he stood up and held out his other hand.

Taking his hand I gave it a quick shake, grabbed the keys and without a backwards glance I made my way out of the hole in the wall office.

Once I reached my car the reality of what I just did hit me. I just spent about a quarter of my savings on a house. When I already owned one back in LA. But it was worth it. It was worth every penny.  Nothing can replace the memories that are in that house and the only way to find myself again is to go back to where I started…

After stopping by the electric and water company and a few stores to pick up things I would need apart from furniture I made my way back to the house. Good thing I brought my valuables and clothes with me when I left LA.

*           *             *            *

Pulling into the familiar drive way I grabbed the suitcases out of the trunk and made my way up the sidewalk, to the front door. The all too familiar creak of the front door gave me satisfaction as I walked in and down the hallway to the living room.

Setting my stuff down on the floor I began the tedious job of pulling all the white, dusty sheets off of all the furniture.

I wonder what everyone will say when they find out that I ran away. I didn’t even bother to tell the boys but I’m sure that they would understand. Mr. Rope is another story. I do not want to see him when he finds out the news. How long before they notice I’m gone?

Pulling the sheet off of the loveseat a chuckled slipped out as I caught sight of the bright red stain still prominent against the white fabric. I could still see that day so clearly in the back of my mind, locked in a box full of memories of her and I. I can still hear her musical laughter ringing out as my fourteen year old self grabbed her in a mock choke hold.

“Let me go Cay or I’ll tell on you!” Thirteen year old Gabriella was squealing in laughter trying so hard to push me off with her small fists.

“Right…Who are you going to tell angel?” I chuckled as I let her go only to throw her over my shoulder, making my way to the kitchen.

“I’ll tell your momma.” She laughed as I set her down and poured her some kool aid.


We made our way back to the living room, content with sipping on our thirst quenching kool aid.

Gabriella spoke up after a moment of silence, “I know. I’ll tell your momma that you’re gay!”

“You wouldn’t dare!”

‘I so would!”

Setting my cup down I swooped down and picked her up, throwing her over my shoulder once again and began tickling her in her most sensitive place. Behind the knees.

“Cayden! I still have my-“

A loud splash echoed through the house.

“Uh oh.”

“You can say that again.” I surveyed the bright red stain on the couch. “Mom’s going to murder me.”

She placed her hand on mine and whispered, “No she won’t Cayden, I’ll tell her it was my fault and it was an accident.” She gave me her breath taking smile as she walked off to find something to wipe the stain with.

A phone ringing snapped me out of my daze. Fumbling around I finally managed to pull my sleek black phone out of my pocket. The caller id read Taylor Hennessey. My finger hovered about the accept button but at the last minute I hit decline and shut the phone off, throwing it onto the couch.

I don’t want to talk to anyone right now but her…

Placing myself next to my abandoned phone I grabbed the remote to turn on the TV and made myself at home.

Must Be Fate (Sequel to Unexpected Love)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora