Chapter 15

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“So what now?” Gabriella asked as she raised a perfectly shaped eyebrow.

I couldn’t even push out a reply. All I could think about was the beautiful girl…no woman, in front of me perched on the couch with her slim legs folded underneath her. Who would have thought that this moment was finally here? The moment I’ve been waiting for a long time. I still feel like I’m dreaming. I finally have the one thing I wanted more than anything in this world and I don’t even know what to say to her!

“Cayden?” She giggled. “Are you lost in your own world?”

“Sorry I was uh…thinking about stuff.”

“Ok…So again, what now?”

 “I want to be with you. It’s as simple as that.” I said. “It’s all I have wanted for years.”

“I know Cayden, and I know you have changed but how do I know that once you get what you want, you’re not going to become a jerk again? How do I know this change is permanent?” She whispered.

“Gabriella, I was an idiot for treating you like crap. I know that and it was the biggest mistake ever. I can’t even begin to explain why I acted like that. Fame really does change you, and not for the better either. I let it get to my head and I’m sorry. But you helped me see that I was someone I didn’t want to be and you helped me find myself. I can’t honestly say that I changed just for you, because I didn’t. I changed for myself mainly. I hated who I had become and it wasn’t me. I’m not a cold hearted jerk who only cares about money. I’ve never been that way and I couldn’t stand it anymore. I had to do something about it before it overcame me.” I replied looking her directly in the eyes.

She gave me a beautiful smile and scooted over to me wrapping her arms around my waist and placing her head into the crook of my neck. “I believe you Cay. I’m so happy that you are my Cayden again. I honestly couldn’t stand you before. I was so nervous to hear from you for the first time in five years and then to find out you had become a jerk…it broke my heart. I think that’s why I let myself fall in love with Bradin. I thought he could take your place and help me just forget you. But I already gave my heart away to you the day you saved me and I didn’t have anything but a small piece to give to Bradin which is why it would have never worked between us.”

“You have had held my heart since I saw your tear stained face and your cute little pout. Who knew that you loved ice cream that much?” I chuckled.

She slapped my chest and giggled. “I happen to love my Mint Choco Chip very much, thank you.”

“More than me?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Never.” She said as she lifted her head up and placed a gentle kiss on my lips.

“Well that’s good. I can’t believe after six years of loving you I can finally call you mine.”

“Well technically I’m not yours.” She teased.

“Oh and why is that?”

“Because you haven’t asked me silly.”

I rolled my eyes. Leave it up to her to have to be asked properly. Heaving a sigh I gently pushed her off of me and kneeled in front of her taking her hand in mine. “Gabriella, will you do me the honor of making me the happiest man alive and be my girlfriend?”

Pulling me into her arms she whispered, “Yes.”

Bringing my lips up to hers I said, “I love you my angel.” And then gave her a kiss that was long overdue.

Pulling back she laughed and said, “I love you my utterly gorgeous boyfriend.” Before pulling my face back to hers.

The front door banged open and we didn’t even pull apart. My mind was completely focused on the feelings coursing through me.

“So it’s true!” An overly excited voice screamed in my ear.

I broke the kiss and looked up to see Allie’s smiling face hanging over my couch. Of course Cecilia would tell her. That girl can’t keep a secret to save her life. “So I guess that Cece told you? Even after I told her not to?” I muttered.

“Actually no, Bradin did. When he announced that Cecilia and him are now a couple. I was a bit confused at first and thought I was dreaming.” She laughed.

“Hey Al’s!” Gabriella kneeled on the couch and threw her arms around Allie who was still leaning over the back of the couch. “I’ve missed you!”

“I missed you to girl. I’m so happy for you two.” Allie smiled as she gave Gabriella a hug.

“Thanks, I’m happy too.”

“Bout dang time Pretty Boy, I’m glad you finally got what you’ve been wanting. Now you can quit whining.” Allie giggled as she walked around and sat on the recliner.

“I don’t whine.” I frowned.


“Whatever Shorty. So how are you and C-Lee?”

“Codi and I are good. He’s trying to talk me into moving to LA to be closer to him, but I told him not until we have been together for a while. His lazy butt can make the short trip here to see me. If I can drive to see him then he can do the same.” She said.

“About time someone puts him in his place.” I smiled.

“I’m your girl. I already have him wrapped around my finger.” She held up her index finger.

“I never saw Codi as one to be whipped, but I guess that doesn’t surprise me. You can be pretty persuasive Als.” Gabriella said as she laid back and placed her head in my lap. I picked up a stray curl and started twirling it around my finger.

“I sure can.” Allie said proudly. “Let’s watch a movie. I brought Rio cause I want to see it so bad!”

“Ok.” I agreed and pointed to the DVD player. “Go put it in.”

She got up and popped the DVD in and turned on the TV before taking her place back in the recliner.

“Now this is what I call a perfect day.” Gabriella smiled as she looked up at me.

“I love you angel.” I smiled back.

“Shut up being mushy you two and watch the dang movie! I want to hear what they are saying, thank you.” Allie demanded as she turned on the surround sound and upped the volume.

I swear that girl is half deaf if she can’t hear what’s going on. I think my neighbors are able to hear what’s going on in the movie too with how loud she has it…

Leaning back on the couch I ran my fingers through Gabriella’s hair as she watched the movie intently. I felt content and truly happy for the first time in a long time. I finally have everything I could ever want right here in my living room. I have a beautiful, amazing but stubborn girlfriend who I love with every fiber of my being, I have one of my closest and best friends here and I have my boys. I finally have a life that is filled with people and I don’t feel lonely anymore. My walls are beginning to resemble an actual home with pictures that I’ve hung up over time and I don’t feel like I’m living in a model home.

I don’t know what’s going to happen after today but I’m ready to see what the future holds for me and where it will take me. Anything is possible now that I have my angel by my side. Giving up the fame and going back home to the place where everything started was the best thing I could have ever done. I made my share of mistakes, and I ran into a few bumps along the road but I managed to find myself again and the reward was the angel in front of me who was now looking up at me with nothing but pure love in her eyes. Life couldn’t get better than this and I can honestly say I believe in fairytales now, thanks to Gabriella.

Must Be Fate (Sequel to Unexpected Love)Where stories live. Discover now