Part 5

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"One thing was clear though; unknown to the Gods and Goddesses, a new race had sprung up at the start with no help from any of them: Witches. Witches were created to keep the balance. The human race was just starting out around this time as well.

"The Gods and Goddesses used this to their advantage, by using humans to create their races. This made it easier for the races to breed for using humans as slaves for the cause. It is rumored that the Titans begged one of the earliest know witches' to help slow the races down in order to save what they could of the humanity."

Amelia sat forward as Josephine paused her story to watch a figure stroll the pathway that led back to the mansion. As the figure came closer, Josephine recognized the slouched shoulders and limp in the walk as Joshua. He held up a bag and set it near the edge of the pond, as he knew that there would be a protective ring like the usual crossover.

Josephine met him at the edge as he gave an apologetic smile for disrupting. He held up three fingers to his lips, signaling it had been three hours since their meeting time had come and gone. Josephine smiled and nodded, thanking him for the information. She looked in the bag; a couple sandwiches, some chips, and soda pops. Joshua saluted her and turned to leave.

Josephine nodded at him once again and turned back to Amelia. She was watching the exchange with curiosity. Josephine sat next to Amelia once again, who had moved to the grass during the exchange with Joshua. Josephine spread the food in between them, knowing that Amelia would not touch her share of the food. None of them ever did.

"Where were we? Oh right! Saving humanity! A witch by the name of Glinda la Fey was the one who stepped forward to try to help the humans. Now at this time, all witches were connected and shared power. Glinda la Fey stepping in to save humanity stirred up many feelings among the witches. Many felt that she should not intervene and that it was not the witches place to help despite the fact that witches were born for this reason.

"Glinda la Fey ignored those who opposed her attempting to help. She started first with a race of blood drinkers, vampires as they are known nowadays, binding them to the be slaves of the sun and forever chasing the warmth of the sun again. She started with that race because they were the most dangerous to the humans.

"Next, she went after the second most dangerous to the humans, the race who could turn into wolves, now known as werewolves, she made them slaves to the moon and bound them to only turning the week of the full moon. Only the oldest of the old, can turn at will at any time and most of them are gone now.

"After the werewolves, Glinda la Fey stopped the were-panthers, were-lions, were-tigers, and were-gators. While most of these groups would tend to stay out in the wild away from the humans, she did not want to chance it. Were-panthers, were-lions, and were-tigers are bound to the natural habitats around them. That one is a little more complicated, but we can go over it if you want?" Josephine stopped to allow Amelia to answer as well as take a bite of her sandwich. Amelia was able to see each race that Josephine described as they appeared in thin air around them at a wave of Josephine's hand.

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