Part 12

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"I don't know what they were told, my dear. Your death is what protected your family. It has been shown that once the Hybrids kill the ones chosen for their ceremony, the family is protected. The Hybrids do not go after any one else in the family. I would know for sure if they had. All spirits that are killed by supernatural beings come to me after all." Josephine explained.

"What happens to me now?" Amelia asked quietly, looking a little uneasy.

"You will be reborn as a were-panther. It may happen quickly or it may take a while. All I ask is that you stay around this area and do not try to go watch your family. If you go to your family, you will do them more harm than good. If a spirit lingers around their family, they will not heal and go through the stages of grief as they need to in order to heal." Josephine explained, gesturing around the house.

"Where do I go? Do I stay here? Nothing can hurt me, right?" Amelia asked quickly.

"You can stay here in the backyard or stay in the house; all I ask is that you do not go into personal areas. You can go to the docks. Nothing can hurt you, my dear, you are safe. There are others around, and now that we have gone through the proper ritual, you will be able to chat with them and learn their experiences." Josephine told her.

Amelia nodded and stared at the moon that was peaking over the treetops. She stared out, clearly accepting her new role. Hopefully she accepts that she will not be able to see her family, Josephine thought to herself.

"What now?" Amelia whispered.

"You take my hand and pass through me to be reborn. After you pass through me, you wait for the resurrection to happen. If you choose not to pass through, you do not get resurrected and instead you may become an angry spirit who later goes on to hurt others, possibly even your own family." Josephine explained, "Like I said, it may happen quickly or it may take a while. Hold onto the memories of your mortal life after you pass through me as it will help you while you wait. You will remember your mortal life memories at first when you are reborn and they will fade until the time is right to remember them."

Amelia nodded and once again looked around the backyard. Josephine held out her hand and Amelia took her hand. Josephine closed her eyes and relaxed her whole body. Amelia was pulled through Josephine's mind with a blinding light coming from Josephine's body. Josephine cried out as it was painful when a spirit passes through, as though ice was passing through her mind.

Josephine opened her eyes to find herself laying on the ground and breathing heavily. She pushed herself into a sitting position, she caught a glimpse of Amelia, she drifted near when Josephine laid.

"You've passed on and are ready for the resurrection. Only I and a few other ghosts can see you. The protection circle is down now and you can choose where to go, but please remember what I said and do not go to your mortal family." Josephine told Amelia, knowing that she would not get an answer now that Amelia had passed through her.

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