Part 13

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Something that she would never understand was that once a spirit passed through her and became a ghost, they could not speak to her. Amelia tried to say something, but realized that she could not speak to Josephine and nodded. Amelia turned and drifted away.

* * * * * * *

Glancing around, Josephine noted the early rays of the dawn sunlight peaking through the night sky. It must have taken longer than I thought it would to cross Amelia, she thought to herself. Josephine picked herself up and went inside to lay down. She walked through the back door that led into the kitchen and went up the stairs slowly, holding the railing so she wouldn't fall. Exhausted, she collapsed on her bed and drifted into a deep sleep.

The next morning around eight, she woke up to her phone ringing. Glancing at the caller ID, she sighed. It was Elder Swan, probably wanting a report of Amelia's spirit crossing.

"Hello?" Josephine said into the ear piece, her voice rough from just waking up.

"Did the spirit cross over? Is she lingering?" Elder Swan ignored her sleepy voice.

"Yes. She accepted that she would need to be reborn and crossed. She is probably by the docks; she loves the water." Josephine answered, stretching and standing up out of her bed.

"Good. Odd that she likes the water so much though if it was the Hybrid were-lions that attacked her and what she shall become. You need to make sure she is still near by. We need to keep her as close as possible to help with the prophecy." Elder Swan said quickly.

"So, you need me to go find her?" Josephine questioned, reaching the bottom of the stairs and wondering how he knew it was the Hybrid were-lions.

"Yes, and I know she can't communicate with us herself; you need to make her understand that she cannot go near any of the Hybrids. They are able to capture the spirits and use them for spells. We are not sure of how they are doing this or why they are doing this, but it has been brought to our attention they are trying to capture the spirits." Elder Swan told her.

"Okay, I will go find her." Josephine said, glancing at the basket of fruit sitting on her counter.

"Good luck and may the spirits bless your soul." Elder Swan ended the call.

"May the spirits bless your soul and bring you joy." Josephine said into the speaker even though Elder Swan was no longer on the line.

Josephine grabbed a banana and ran back upstairs to change into a different outfit and brush her hair. She dressed in a simple outfit of jeans and a T-shirt and ate her banana. She walked out the door, not bothering to lock the door, it was a safe enough area.

She looked around the courtyard to see if Amelia's ghost happened to be around, but with no such luck, she continued on to the docks. As she had guessed, Amelia's ghost was there watching the boats drift by, in and out of the harbor.

"I thought I might find you here, Amelia. While you can't talk to me, I need to tell you something and you can nod if you understand. We need you to stay around here, I know I already told you this, but it is important. The Hybrids are able to capture ghosts and use them in spells, it may have happened to a few others already, but we cannot let it happen to you. I would prefer if you would stay in my courtyard as it is spelled to not allow any Supernatural beings in other than witches, but I cannot force you to stay there. If you wish to wander, please, please be careful. If anyone appears to see you, get away. Supernatural beings can see you, but others should not approach you." Josephine explained quietly, watching the harbor seals playing in the water near them.

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