Part 11

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A barn was across the parking lot of the ranch style house, the sliding door of the barn was slightly ajar. A dark figure could be seen from the outside of the barn and although it was hard to tell who it was, Josephine could only guess by the staggering walk that it was Amelia's father. Another yell and another figure appeared.

Josephine watched as Amelia's father was hit across the face one more time and his body falling limp. The second man stepped over his body and stood in the shadows that the door of the barn cast. Only his hand could be seen giving a signal to someone behind the two of them watching the scene play out. Looking over her shoulder, Josephine saw a second Hybrid standing just inside the tree line.

As the first Hybrid signaled, the second Hybrid nodded and rushed the memory body of Amelia. She was knocked down and the Hybrid sat on top of her. She struggled fiercely against the Hybrid. She did not scream nor did she beg.

A fighter to the end and beyond the end. She has been one of the best spirits that has been chosen for this life in a long time, Josephine thought as she watched memory Amelia's body fight the Hybrid.

Glancing to the Amelia spirit, Josephine watched the girl's face closely. Most spirits look away and wait for the end of what happened to their mortal lives. Amelia watched herself fight the Hybrid as the first Hybrid came from the front of the house to watch the second Hybrid struggle with the human girl.

"Just do it already!" The first Hybrid yelled, "Come on, Braiden, she's just a human. She has to die now before it's too late."

They watched as the Hybrid's face changed, revealing vampire fangs. The fangs sank into Amelia's neck again and again until her head was almost torn off. They watched as the Hybrids sprinkled some herbs over her body and then dart into the trees again.

Amelia's father and mother reached her body too late. The body of Amelia laid lifeless as her parents sobbed over her.

Gasping for air, the girls were once again surrounded by the light of the pond and the sounds of Josephine's home. Josephine held Amelia while she sobbed briefly.

"Mama probably saw everything. She saw everything, I know it!" Amelia cried after a few silent moments.

"She may have, but she may have also been hiding your siblings. You bought time for your mother to protect them. You were the perfect daughter and best big sister at the scariest time of your life. You did everything you could to save your family. You may have given the ultimate sacrifice, but it was the purest form of love and the strongest proof I've seen in a long time." Josephine said quietly.

Josephine held the girl until she pulled away. Amelia looked Josephine in the eye, tears still falling down her face. The tear streaks showed against her pale skin, but determination showed in her eyes.

"How do I continue to help protect my family? What were they told?" Amelia asked, suddenly determined and confident.

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