Part 6

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Amelia looked deep in thought and appeared to be staring at nothing in particular. It was a full minute before she finally answered, "If it doesn't involve the creatures that attacked me than, no thank you."

Josephine nodded and continued, "The were-gators are controlled by the amount of prey in their areas that does not include human prey. The more there are humans, the less were-gators appear. Most of them have adjusted and will live their lives around humans, so that they do not have to turn. Although, there are others that have chosen to live in exile and stay true to their nature.

"The next part, no one knows the real truth, but it is believed that one or more of the Gods wanted to unite races and make them as one. That they wanted to create what is called Hybrids. It is also been said that the races tried to join forces and unite their kinds themselves. Again, no one knows the real truth, but either way it was discovered that only certain races can combine their DNA successfully.

"Before this was discovered, many disastrous combinations happened. Were-panthers and were-gators could not successfully combine into a Hybrid species and instead the offspring of were-panthers and gators was driven mad before its first birthday and the clans of both were forced to put these creatures down. Were-lions were the next to try mating with the were-gators, again the offspring went mad, but they could hold out for a little longer. Those babies lasted until their third birthday before turning into flesh-eating creatures who could not stop; no matter the nature of those they began eating.

"Were-tigers had similar affects and well as werewolves and were-gators trying to create an alliance. A strange alliance occurred with all the were-races; vampires can give up their blood to anyone of them to create a Hybrid. There is a catch for those alliances though, the were-race must be willing to give up their normal lives where they will live and die, albeit that they take longer to die a natural death than a normal human. They give up their normal lives and are killed only after they have drunk the blood of a vampire, only then will they become a Hybrid.

"Hybrids, like vampires, never age, never die, but will live on until they are forcibly killed. Hybrids also carry the urge for blood, specifically human blood, although they do not need to feed nearly as often of a vampire. Hybrids can go up to six weeks without consuming blood of any sort before falling into a deep sleep from which they can only be woken up from with blood.

"Vampires, on the other hand, have to feed more often. It has been recorded that a vampire can only last up to 3 days before they start to fall into a frenzied state, which for vampires is the first step into a long sleep like the Hybrids. Some vampires have refused to give up their blood and keep these creatures from being created. Some vampires have turned to living up high in the Rocky Mountains to keep themselves from the human race and from the cravings of human blood. Others have forced this Hybrid status unto the were-races to prove they are the superior race.

"It was one of these Hybrid species that has caused you to come find me. Since you were near water, I think it may have been a Hybrid of the were-gators that may be the culprit. When you are ready, we will learn the events that led you to be here.

"The witches come into play around the time that the vampires and other were-races start creating Hybrids. Glinda la Fey reached into the power of all witches connected as well as the power connected to certain natural properties. She made the vampires slaves of the night; werewolves, slaves to the moon; were-tigers' slaves to the rainforests; were-lions' slaves to the dessert; were-panthers slave to the tropical rainforests; were-gators slaves to the people who live in the swamps around them. She drew so much power from the line of witches, from those before her and those that were around her at the time and some witches did not like it. They fought the use of their power for events they felt were not their burden. 

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