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"Me?" Cassidy choked out, clearly surprised.

"That was her request," Wyatt answered.

Rose had requested to talk to her? That didn't make any sense. Why would Rose want to talk to her? Hadn't she said everything she wanted to at the house. What more was there to talk about? How else could she ruin Cassidy's life?

"I don't understand why she wants to talk to me."

"We tried questioning her on her motives for the attack tonight and she said she's not speaking to anyone but you. We need to find out about her reasoning behind her killings and get a confession for her other crimes as well," Wyatt explained.

"She doesn't have a reason," Cassidy stated softly.

"What are you talking about?" Wyatt asked confused.

"She doesn't have a reason for her killings."

"How do you know that?"

"I asked her at the house. She said she doesn't have a reason. She does it because it's fun."

"She talked about this at the house? What else did she talk about?" he asked urgently.

Cassidy tried her best to remember. Even though it had only been a couple of hours, it felt as though days had passed. So much had happened in such a short amount of time.

"She mentioned her time in jail. And that they told her killing in a pattern is more fun," Cassidy recalled, a shudder running through her.

Just thinking about that conversation was uncomfortable.

"Oh, she also mentioned that there were killings before she went to jail," she remembered.

"Before she went to jail?" Wyatt asked interested.

Cassidy nodded.

"It stroke me as odd because you never mentioned any victims before she went to jail."

"We weren't aware of any. Come on, Chief needs to hear this."

She nodded and followed him through the station. The route they took was the same as when they had her in one of the interrogation rooms. It was clear Rose was in one of those rooms as well. It was a given that the detectives would have many questions for her.

"Chief, Cassidy's here," Wyatt announced as they entered the room.

All pairs of eyes swung to her. She recognized Chief and the other two Agents.

"Miss Monte, I hadn't expected you to come this quickly," Chief said as he walked forward.

"I hadn't made the call as yet. She came back on her own," Wyatt clarified.

Chief looked at her confused.

"You came on your own?" he asked.

She nodded.

"There's still a lot of unanswered questions and I was hoping you would be able to get those answers for me."

Sitting at the hospital, all she could think about was Rose. What had really happened that made her this person? Was she really killing because it was fun? Why wait this long to target Cassidy and her parents? She knew the answers she wanted had to be heard directly from Rose herself.

"I'm not sure if Wyatt has mentioned to you, but Rose has stated she's not speaking to anyone. She wants to talk to you."

"He mentioned it briefly outside."

"Cassidy actually just shared an interesting piece of information."

Cassidy listened on as Wyatt repeated what she had just told him a minute ago.

"She confessed her crimes to you?" Agent Jones asked.

She turned to him. Her feelings of hostility were still present for the Agents for the way they had treated her when she was arrested.

"She did."


"Because I asked her. I wanted to know why she was doing this."

"Did she tell you anything else?"

She shook her head.

"That was all she said before she tried to kill me."

Kill her. Cassidy was still trying to wrap her brain around the fact that her sister had tried to kill her. That was not something she thought she would ever experience in life.

"Are you willing to go in there and speak to her?" Chief asked.

For the first time since she entered the room, Cassidy looked across at the glass mirror and to her sister. Rose was handcuffed to the table. Cassidy couldn't see her face clearly, but she could see the pieces of a smile. How could Rose still smile in this situation?

"I know it's a lot to ask of you, especially after everything you just went through," Wyatt added.

It was a lot to ask of her. She wasn't confident in herself. Could she handle going in that room?

"What would you need me to do?" she asked, her eyes still on Rose.

"Get her to talk about her motives behind the attack tonight. About the previous murders that took place. We need her confession. And the murders that she mentioned," Agent Jones stated.

Cassidy took a deep breath. They were basically asking her to listen as her sister confessed to all her killings. Would she be able to sit through that?

"If it's too much, let us know."

"Can I ask her questions of my own?" Cassidy wondered.

"Sure. Once we get her to confess."

Rose looked up at that moment and stared at the mirror. It felt as though Rose was seeing her, but Cassidy knew she couldn't.

She closed her eyes, not able to keep staring at Rose.

"Hey, if this is too much, you don't have to do it," Wyatt whispered softly, his hand rubbing soothing circles on her back.

His warmth radiated through her and gave her strength. She could do this. The answers were for her just as much as they were for the detectives.

She opened her eyes and turned to Chief.

"I'll do it."

"Okay. If it gets too much, you can leave at any time."

She nodded.

"Come on, I'll walk you," Wyatt said, leading her out of the room.

They walked the short distance to the door to the interrogation room.

"Are you sure about this?" he questioned, his eyes searching hers.

"No," she answered honestly.

"I'm going to be on the other side of the glass the entire time. You can leave whenever you want to okay."


Wyatt took her hand in his and squeezed gently. He gave her a small smile before letting go. Cassidy took a deep breath, preparing herself.

She nodded to Wyatt, who let her hand go.

She turned and grabbed the door handle. There was no turning back now.

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