Fatima VII

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I was running as fast as I could. Bullets whizzed by my head as I made my way down the back streets of Khito. I ducked and dodged, juking my way around cars and trash cans. I was on a mission, running a package between safe houses. Unfortunately for me, my lookout turned and led the KP to the handoff. Sure I was quick enough to grab the package and run, but no such luck for my contact. He was gunned down before he even knew what was happening.

I had to lose the officers quickly, I couldn't risk leading them back to the safe house. There were three pursuers, all firing while they chased me. If it wasn't for that, I would've lost them in a crowd ages ago. But for now, all I could do was run and hope my stamina would last longer than theirs.

"Surrender!" one of them yelled up to me.

"You can't run forever!" called another.

I ducked into an alley. When the officers made their way to it, they paused. It was a dead end. Only dumpsters and trash lined the walls with a firescape at the end. One officer stood guard at the entrance while the other two made their way down the alley. They slowly walked from dumpster to dumpster, searching.

"Why don't you come on out." one cooed, loading his pistol, "Aren't you tired of running? Turn yourself in."

My heart was pounding. I could hear the officers' steps getting closer and closer. There was only one dumpster left to check. I was out of time. They cocked their guns.

"Final warning, come on out."

The officer grabbed the lid of the dumpster and flipped it open. In that instant, the dumpster tilted. I had myself wedged between it and the wall. With my feet to the wall and my back against the dumpster, I used all my might flipping it, crushing the man. The second officer was able to dodge the dumpster, but not the garbage that spilled out. He tripped over bags as he tried to back away. With a shard of glass in my hand, I pounced on him and lodged its jagged edges into his neck. I grabbed his gun and rolled behind another dumpster as a hail of bullets shot down the alley.

I pushed the dumpster towards the last officer, using it as a shield. Its wheels screeched as it drew closer and closer to them. Once I heard them reloading, I jumped from the side and fired a single round. They fell to the ground, bleeding from the chest. I tucked the gun in my back waistband and turned towards the dumpster, pulling the package out and began to run once more.

The sun was setting as I finally made it to the clinic. I took a deep breath and opened the door. Inside was chaos. People were being carted back and forth down the halls, nurses ran from room to room, treating patients that were screaming at the top of their lungs. I gasped as I caught a glimpse of a man getting his leg amputated. I quickly turned and made my way towards the back, trying my best to stay out of everyone's way.

Once I got to the offices, I knocked on the door labeled 'Administrator'. A woman opened the door.

"Fatima!" she exclaimed. She grabbed my hand and brought me in for a hug. It was my aunt Amir.

"Oh my god. I was so worried."

"What happened?" I asked, "What's going on here?"

"There was a raid." she replied, "After your deal went south, more KP followed your partner to another safehouse. It was a massacre."

I backed away. "What?"

"This is all that's left." she continued, "All the rest were either killed or taken off. Fatima..."

I fell into a chair next to me. I dropped the package onto the floor and grabbed onto the armrests, hands and legs trembling.

"Fatima." Amir knelt next to me. She brushed a braid out of my face and placed her hand on my cheek, meeting my eyes.

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