Yuseff VIII

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I grudgingly leaned over to shut off my alarm. It was 6 o'clock in the morning and I laid there, just staring at the ceiling. Why did I have to get up so early? I sat up and contemplated just calling in sick for the day. I took one more glance at the clock and realized it was too late for that. So I hurried to the bathroom. Down the hall Aaliyah was already up doing her makeup while Shafiq tried to nudge in so he could brush his teeth.

Over the years, Aaliyah managed to work her way up from just another smith to working in the manufacturer's corporate office. There she met Shafiq, an office supplies deliverer. Next thing I knew they were getting married and had a kid on the way. Shafiq was cool and all [As far as brother-in-laws went]. But he was a little too awkward at times. Trying a bit too hard to be my friend. But hey, as long as Aaliyah was happy with him, that's all that matters. Besides, thanks to him, I got my shining angel of a niece, Farah. God that little girl's smile alone could melt anyone's heart. And then little Hassir a few years later. I love my niblings so much. [Side note, they call me 'Yuey' instead of Uncle Yuseff and it's goddamn adorable.]

Um.. Anyways, at the same time, I bloomed into Akil's apprentice. Now practically a butcher myself, I dreamed of one day owning my own shop.

"Why do you even wear that?" I asked as I passed Aaliyah. "You're just gonna sweat it off."

"Not with this primer." she replied, "Besides, the A/C was finally fixed."

"But still." I continued, "You look good as is really."

"Oh, I know." she said, putting on lipstick, "I wear makeup for me. Cause I like it."

"And you look fierce as fuck too, baby." Shafiq added, granting him a kiss. I gagged.


"Shouldn't you be on your way to the shop already?" she asked, "You don't want Akil waiting on you."

"I'll be there on time." I replied, "Don't worry."

I got dressed as quickly as I could, gave Farah and Hassir a kiss on the head, and was out the door. The walk to Akil's shop took me about thirty minutes every day. However, with the recent clashes between the KP and the Orphans, I had to make detours. Over the years, the situation between the two groups did not improve [Of course]. Even with their overwhelming power, the Kmetian Police couldn't completely silence the Orphans. But at the same time, the Orphans couldn't get the support they needed to start a full on revolution. They've been at a virtual stalemate.

Be that as it may, the past few months did see a rise in Orphan support. Their influence started to seep from the islands of Canaan and into the other Kmetian provinces of Serekh and Nekhen. Now anyone that was suspected of being an Orphan or Orphan sympathizer was immediately arrested. It was a complete witch hunt. Everyone had to be careful.

"Hey! Yuseff!"

I turned around to see my friend Rami jogging up to me..

"What's up?" I asked.

"On your way to the shop?"

"Yeah, main roads out." I said, "Gotta take the long way."

"Dude, you see what time it is?" He asked looking at his watch, "Akil's gonna kill you."

"Pfft. I'll be fine."

He punched me in the shoulder. "That man's gonna kick your ass for being late one of these days." I just laughed.

"Akil's close to retirement." I said, "His fighting days are over."

We walked together for a while until we got close to the meat shop. As we approached, I saw Akil standing behind the counter through the window, arms crossed. His salt and pepper hair and bushy brown beard all rustled and unorganized as if he'd just gotten out of bed. His round glasses were reflecting the light back into my face.

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