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After the ceremony, we all had to undergo a complete physical. The merger affected both our minds and bodies. We grew more muscle, became more physically fit. But not just that. Our bodies also healed at a remarkable rate. My scratches from my spar with Sebatian were already gone. [Although now I had to wear glasses. Thanks Leopold.]

With our powers unlocked, it was time for us to really know what Hollice's plan was. He called us up to his suite.

"It's nice to see you've all made it through." he said, then shifted his attention to me. "I didn't doubt it for a second." I nodded my head in appreciation.

"Now." he continued, "There is much explaining to do. But first, presents."

He laid out weapons in front of us, swords in fact.

"You'll soon find out that Maiors can imbue their weapons with magic. Unfortunately, it does not seem to work with complex machinery. So swords will do."

He gave Olin a new saber, Jackie a rapier, Sebatian an epee, and me? I wasn't quite sure what it was.

"It's a falcata." Hollice said, "From Kaseo, I thought it fitting."


He lit his cigar and offered everyone a cigarette. Sebatian took one, but the rest of us declined.

"Before I tell you the next step, there is a bit of history I need you all to know," he continued, "Back during The First War, the war with Menthu, three temples were constructed. One by Menthu, one by man, and one by the Isi."

"Like those old temples around the country?" Jackie asked.

"No." Hollice continued, "These temples were much different. They weren't houses of worship. No, they house something else entirely, weapons."

"Weapons?" I asked, "What kind of weapons?"

"Wait." Olin interjected, "If they hold weapons, I'm guessing the one created by the Isi has the Scimitar."

"As sharp as ever." Hollice said, "Tueur de Dieu. It is the strongest weapon ever created. One we need in order to defeat Menthu."

"So our mission is to find the temple and retrieve the Scimitar?" Jackie guessed.

"Almost." Hollice replied, "We believe we have already located the temple. So you'd just need to worry about retrieving the sword. With it in my control, becoming Roi is all but certain."

"What about the other temples?" I asked, "I've heard of the Scimitar. What else is there?"

"Ah yes." he continued, "As for the other temples; not much is known about them. It was once said that the Temple of Man housed a weapon of ultimate defense. But no one has ever seen it before. We are still trying to look into that." He took a puff from his cigar.

"Now the Temple of Menthu. That will be the real part of your mission. And arguably very difficult."

"How so?" I asked.

Hollice began to pass folders out to us. Inside were photos of people, Deupointese soldiers.

"We have reason to believe the Temple of Menthu resides somewhere in Deupoint."

"What?!" Everyone yelled.

"How can you be certain?" Olin asked.

"We will get to that later." Hollice waved the question off, "What's important is that we have narrowed down possible locations. However, our spies in Deupoint have uncovered something rather troublesome."

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