Chapter 18 (Part 1)

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My eyes blinked open to darkness. No matter how much I blinked, it dominated my sight. The only thing that told me my eyes were open and not closed was the thin strip of light coming from under the doorway. It sent a faint glow into the room that saved me from complete blindness.

Light snoring drew my squinting eyes to Ryder who was laying on his stomach beside me. His face was turned to me as he blissfully slept. I continued to watch his relaxed and sleeping face for a moment, trying to identify where his eyes and lips were located in the darkness before I shut my eyes once more to drift off again. I knew I would thank myself come morning when getting out of bed wouldn't have me wanting to break out into tears of protest.

Until I felt a light flutter where only numbness should have radiated from. My eyes snapped open and my hand rose, quietly not to alert the sleeping body beside me. It was easy to keep my movements silent, my muscles following muscle memory from years of only knowing consequences in response to interrupting another's slumber.

I was sure Ryder wouldn't do anything but grumble in annoyance, but it was hard to break years of defence. At least my baits were working to my advantage this time.

I sat up without disturbing Ryder, his soft snores turning back onto quiet breaths that the rise and fall of his bare torso body. I swung my legs over the bed as I rubbed at my chest. It felt like I was experiencing frostbite from the inside- or maybe it was just heartburn. It took a moment to pinpoint the source of the painful sensation but when I could my breath caught in my throat as it grew dry.

It was Axel's bond. For the first time since it was frozen, I could sense his bond.

My head darted towards Ryder ensuring he was still fast asleep as I tried to keep my breaths level. A well-timed snore softly calmed my nerves as it left his lips.

I pushed off the bed, careful to avoid making any noise as I rose to my feet. A shiver travelled up my legs when my bare feet met the chilled floor.

My body was moving by instinct, something inside urging me to move before the... opportunity passed. It pushed me to forgo spending the extra few minutes it would have taken to hunt down a pair of pants, leaving me only in my underwear and Ryder's shirt. I had a feeling I knew exactly what that instinct was.

Stupid incubus. He had gone from haunting my sleeping moment to haunting my waking ones. And this time he was painfully present- not soothingly.

My teeth ground together as I slowly turned the knob and pulled the door open. The thawing bond in my chest was pulling me by a taut rope in a very specific direction. I had to force my body to slow down, reminding myself that rushing would only lead to making accidental noise. The point was driven home when my breath stilled along with everything else at the first sound of a creak. Taking a deep breath, I sharply and smoothly pulled it open enough to slip out before pushing it closed behind me, leaving it open a crack to keep from making noise. I had decided I could never be careful enough when it came to the non-human men in my life. They were the ultimate test of my survival skill.

Sadly, they repeatedly verified that I was very easy to track and kill.

Taking carefully placed steps to avoid the boards that I knew would release a creak, I followed the pull and instincts directing me to the doors exiting the wing. I had just recently been allowed to walk through the double door unaccompanied, but I didn't think that included late night- or early morning- walks to hunt down a missing man.

Jaxon was back and there was no Axel with him, or anywhere. I was tired of nodding my head at Cassius's lie.

As I tiptoed my way to the door, my focus locked on the invisible trail I was following without pausing to consider the possible consequences it may lead to. I wasn't in control of deciding what was a priority at the moment, the bonds pulling my heartstrings were. I wasn't even half sure if I was awake or still fast asleep dreaming. Axel did still like to play his occasional games.

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