Chapter 24 (Part 3)

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"You almost died," I said, anger hardening my voice. I couldn't stop the emotion from rising even if I wanted to.

He scoffed, the venom-filled action appearing foreign coming from someone like him. "You didn't look like you were doing any better yourself, blossom," he countered. His stance widened as he crossed his arms and look down his nose at me, his eyes narrowing. A fire I hadn't noticed before burned back at me through his eyes.

"Get on the stool," he demanded with a jerk of his chin. All illusions of formalities dropped at the command. "Before I make you," he added as a threat when he saw my own fire rising to meet the one he had shown he possessed.

A glance towards Cassius told me he was content in staying back and watching everything unfold, but also that he'd be more than happy to jump in if he needed to help wrestle me into submission if I decided to challenge Ezra. It was clear I couldn't depend on them taking my side when they could team up against me. Their ability to form solid unified fronts may turn into either a blessing or a curse. Maybe a cursed blessing.

Clenching my jaw, I made my way to the stool Ezra had indicated with his chin and dropped my disgruntled ass onto it. Ezra's eyes narrowed on me for a moment like he was sure I was putting on an act of cooperation that I would toss aside at any moment. He watched me for another breath before going to wash his hands and returning to stand in front of me. I had to crane my neck back to meet his eyes. He towered over my seated position.

"Lift your shirt." His voice remained hard, making me swallow nervously as I did what he said and lifted my shirt to reveal my abdomen. Baring my skin to him wasn't difficult. There were no questions about Ezra's professionalism when it came to my health.

What I wouldn't give for my gentle Doc right now, I sighed. But like most things, I had ruined that. Guess there was no more nice Doc to grace my future. I had unknowingly reached his limit. I couldn't blame him. I deserved it.

The absence of warmth and reassurance that I has unknowingly become accustomed to had me fidgeting uncomfortably as he looked me over. It was easier to face Cassius's anger head-on than it was Ezra's. The only thing that kept me from crawling out of my skin under his attention was my own eyes roaming him as he poked and prodded at my body. I was just as vigilant as him for any signs that he may feel discomfort as he moved. If he was checking me over after Ryder's magical healing, that must have meant there was room for error to be made.

At first, his touch was stiff as he directed me whichever way he wanted. As his hands drifted over my skin and rose under my breasts, his touch had gradually grown firm and confident as they tested each individual rib for signs of discomfort. I had to look away as a slight itch started when his hand reached Zev's brand. When his fingers brushed the symbol, at the same time a bond in my chest tightened, suddenly alert before it gradually calmed. It wasn't hard to conclude who it was that had reacted.

Aside from the royal bonds radiating disappointment that their creators weren't touching them, no other signs of rejection were displayed as Ezra finished inspecting my body, looking for something I had already said he wouldn't find.

I was fine.

He on the other hand...

Throughout the process, his blank expression continuously became strained. His touch that had grown confident became almost too firm, digging into my skin.

When he was done looking me over, his hands came to a rest on my thighs. They were placed too high up for me not to squirm and be conscious of his touch. Not when his thumbs were positioned so close to the apex of my thighs.

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