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            "You bastard! What have you done with Shadow!?" A Mobian with a shape-shifting ability who's disguised as Sonic had just flown into the air after being punched by the real one, making him go unconscious.

            Shadow lay limp on the floor, his consciousness slowly leaving as Sonic ran to him picking him up gently.

            "He's getting cold. Crap. What to do? What to do..?" He panicked and then remembered Miles' words.

            "Us Subs want to be cared for and protected, you, as a former Sub should have known that, though we can never defy a command of a Dom no matter who it is, do you understand brother?" Miles asked twirling his namesakes around him and Sonic as they watched the sunset.

            "Loving words? Caresses? No, Shadow's stronger than that..." Sonic whispered to himself as he carried the ebony Hedgehog. "Fuck." He cursed.

            "A Dom's words hold great influence over us Subs, so make sure you never reject a Sub themself." The amber twin-tailed Fox told his brother.

            "Of course bro, you can count on me!" The azure Hedgehog proudly said as he pointed to himself. "Leave it to me and I will take great care of you while you don't have your pair yet." He says as he pats the younger's head.

            "I will be in your care brother." Miles smiles at the emerald-eyed Hedgehog.

            Sonic scanned Shadow's face, his eyes were slowly closing.

            "Shadow! Snap out of it! How could you fall into a Subdrop!? You of all Mobians... You're one of the strongest Mobians out there." He doesn't know what's happening to him, but tears started pouring out. "Who cares about what that bastard said!? I'm right here Shadz... Don't forget who you are Shadow!" He yelled as he hugged the other male Hedgehog tight. "Please... I can't live without you! Because I... I still love-"

            Shadow raises his hand subconsciously behind Sonic's head.

            "Chaos Bla-" He was about to finish saying his attack but the azure Hedgehog cut him off.

            "Shadow!" Sonic cried pulling away from Shadow.

            "Stop yelling..." Shadow mumbled as he slumped over Sonic. "Don't say anything else..." His voice wavered until complete silence.

            "Eh-? Shadow!?"


I know I have unfinished stories but my hands are itching to make new stories. 😅

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