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            Shadow threw the paper, out of disbelief, it landed on the floor, the gust of wind made it slide to the front of the doorway,

            So that's why when Sonic said a command word it triggered something in his stomach.

            "But he's also a Sub... This must be a mistake... Is he actually a Dom?" He bit his lip. "No. I must not let this bother me." He shook his head as he clenched his fists. Maria knew? And she didn't inform him sooner?

            He checked the other contents of the box, he sees pills, and a note that says:

These are your suppressants, don't take unless needed or if you feel like you're going to be in danger around Doms.

            Suppressants..? What for?

            Under all the dozens of suppressants there was a hard cover book titled 'All about Dynamics'.

            "So you're a Sub?" Shadow raised his head and by the doorway was a black and white Mobian.

            "Infinite..." Shadow hissed.

            "Well Shadow, how the mighty, has fallen to a Sub in the category, I thought you were the mighty Dom in the relationship, I guess not, maybe, it was a mistake, hmmm?" Infinite said with heavy sarcasm in his tone.

            "What do you want Infinite? I know you aren't here to patronize me." Shadow growled in anger but Infinite raised his hands up as he gave him a savage grin.

            "Easy Shadow, I'm just here for a bandage, not a fight."

            Shadow narrowed his eyes and said with some mirth in his voice."Is it a wound in your pride Infinite? Or do you need a another scar to remind you who you are talking to?"

            Infinite still had his savage grin and said. "Oh no, no, Shadow, it's for my Wolf, my Sub, I may have broken him a bit, but don't worry I'm gentle in handling my Sub, how about you Shadow are you looking for your Dom who ran away? Oops- Sorry my bad-"

            Without any warning, Infinite was slammed on the wall hard, almost knocking his lungs out of air, and with a white glove, now holding his neck, almost choking him. It was Shadow, his red eyes that made it look menacing, and said in a sharp tone.

            "You're on thin ice Jackal, what are you really here for!?" He roared.

            Infinite still grinned and said mockingly. "You think? Oh so mysterious, but you aren't, you're just showing and protecting your self, just to show that you're some Alpha but you are not." Shadow was about to raise his hand ready to hit Infinite but a loud cry of frustration was heard in the room and it was.

            Gadget... And he is... Well, you guessed it, frustrated and a bit of a blushing mess, and said in a tone of a bit high like a voice you hear when someone had their first time, but still needed more.

            "What are you two doing!? One minute, I just take my eyes off of you two, now you're at each other's throats..." He sighs before continuing. "Just... Stop, you two, I know you hate each other so much, but we're here in the middle of crossing an ocean, we could risk getting attacked from above, behind, and even below the ocean, so we need to be aware of our surroundings, know that there is a psychopath scientist out there, maybe even looking for us once we land this ship, but maybe you two can settle things in the meantime, please?" He asked in a pleading tone.

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