Our Queen is gone....

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We had to tell the kingdom that their queen was dead.but how would they take it?

Fawn: you ready Faye?
Fawn was been checking on me and I did the same to her and grandma, Fawn, and me all watched over dad it was really hard for him to lose the love of his life, the women who said I love you Darius, the women who I will marry you, the women who said I do, the women who said I'm honored to be your queen, the women who said we're going to be parents, the women who carried his children, the women who helped raise his two beautiful girls, the women who he calls his Queen.

Faith: Yeah I'm ready just give me a minute.

Fawn: Ok I'm going to be out here waiting on you ok.

Faith: Ok.

I put my crown on not just any one that just goes with my dress The Crown of Zala, my moms crown. It didn't look bad on me, People would say that I looked like her but I don't see it.

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Faiths outfit

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Faiths outfit

Faiths outfit

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Jades outfit

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Jades outfit

I go out to to see jade ready for me.

Fawn: Ready?

Faith: Ready.

Me and Fawn held hands and walked to the ball room to get ready to tell the kingdom that there Queen was dead.

It was filled with people who were Curious of why they're there. Fawn walks in first than I have to wait.

King Darius: Thank you everyone for coming. This is kinda hard for me to talk about but as your King I have too.

King Darius: you must be wondering why Queen Leilani isn't here with us. It's because she is...no...longer with us, she has sadly passed away last night from a deadly sickness.

The whole kingdom was worried about who was going to be our queen than I walked in. Everyone was surprised that I was wearing my mothers crown.

Faith: Hello Everyone, You might be wondering why I'm wearing the Queens crown I know she's dead but I'm going to be Queen one day and it just felt right.

Faith: I miss my mother a lot and I loved her and I still do. But I can't lie too you all that I'm not scared, Im scared and I really want my mother to be here with me like it has been since I was born. And I just want her here.

Citizen: Don't worry princess you have our support.

Citizen 2: Yes you have mine as well.

Than the whole kingdom joined in as well I was lucky to have them as my people and I'm lucky to be there future queen.

Happily never after book #1Where stories live. Discover now