The Birth

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I was with Tink most of the time I needed someone to help me deliver this baby.

Tink: Are you alright?

Faith: Tink I'm fine the baby isn't dew till 4 weeks it won't even come this early.

Tink: I know it's just we can never be to sure.

faith:It's fine Tink.

Tinker belle left with the others for something I tried to stop Peter from taking Henry's heart but he didn't listen so I just stayed with Tink.

Ever thing was good until I felt something wet in between my leg and saw water. MY WATER BROKE!

I scream out in pain as I feel it hurting me.

I leave Tinks but to find water.

Faith: Help me please...
I whispered yell and I fall the the ground than a head pops out of the water and her eyes open wide when she sees me pregnant.

Mermaid: Oh my god,

Faith: Please help me I don't want to lose her.
I said crying from the pain.

Mermaid: Yes right away wait I need more of me.

The mermaid swam off to find more help than more and more mermaids appeared they put me in this shell like rock and drifted me off the seas I trusted them and they knew I did.

I was good enough to start pushing.

I screamed out in pain it wasn't like a normal pregnancy pain it was like death pain over and over again.

I screamed out in pain it wasn't like a normal pregnancy pain it was like death pain over and over again

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I tried to fight back I didn't want to give birth it pained me really bad I wasn't being dramatic it really was pain my screams the whole island I swear Peter heard it as well

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I tried to fight back I didn't want to give birth it pained me really bad I wasn't being dramatic it really was pain my screams the whole island I swear Peter heard it as well.

Mermaid: Push, Push!

I pushed and screamed really really loud.

Faith: Ahhhhhhhhh!

I pushed more and my screams got louder and I started crying hard.

Than I was done.

I herd this little waling cry and I knew it was my baby she was alive and breathing.

Mermaid 5: She's here.
The mermaid said handing me my baby

Mermaid 4: What are you goin to name her?

Willow piper Leilani pan.

I think about it I have to stop Peter I grab my Baby and go to skull rock.

Faith: Peter stop please!

Peter: Faith you gave birth.

Faith: Yeah my belly's gone.

Peter: I herd your screams we all did.

Faith: Yeah it was really hard.

Faith: I wish you could've been there with me...

Peter didn't say anything he just looked down with sad eyes looking back at me again standing next to Henry.

Faith: I have been through pain and I needed you but you weren't there for me. You weren't there for me the mother of your child.

Peter: I'm sorry love...

Faith: Are you really? You wouldn't be sorry if you had just been there.

I started to cry and put my basket down that I had carried in with me.

Faith: I love you Peter I have been thought the worst birth ever and your sorry.

Faith: And your willing to kill the person who's been with since the curse?

Faith: We don't Need the magic we can grow old together and raise our child.

I put my hand done for him to take and walked a little forward.

Faith: Please let them go home I want to stay with you, you, Felix, Fawn, the lost boys and Neverland.

He looked at me and Henry. He had Henry's heart in his hand.

Out of no were there was a little cry from the basket I carried in. I went down to pick it up it was our daughter she was really beautiful I loved her so much.

Peter: T-that's our baby?

Faith: Yes, her names Willow piper Leilani pan.

Peter:she's beautiful..

Faith: Yeah I know.

Fawn: You went with moms name huh.

Fawn said coming from behind me smiling with tears in her eyes. Fawn as always been the thought one even when she's younger.

Faith: Yeah.

Fawn: If she was here she would've been so proud of you.

Faith: I miss her...

Fawn: So do I.

Regina: Yeah sorry to break this little family moment right now but. He still has my sons heart in his hand!

We all looked Peter, what would he do who would he pick. Love or Power?

Out of nowhere Henry ran to Peter and pushed his heart in and this magic green glow was on his body and 5 seconds later Henry was gone he dropped to the floor we all ran to him.

Faith: Henry! Please don't leave us please don't I'm sorry!

I got up and looked at Peter who was looking at his hands while smiling.

Faith: How could you? I hate you!

He looked at me with shocked eye and fled away.

Happily never after book #1Where stories live. Discover now