Whats wrong?

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It was morning in Neverland I went to sleep in Peter's bed it wasn't weird we're together. he didn't sleep on different sides we cuddled he was super sweet he was trying to make up to me from last night. I ever thought who I would lose my virginity too, would it be pan or someone else?

I wake up to find myself in an empty bed no Peter Pan in sight. I sigh and get changed I find a dress hanging on the wardrobe knowing it was for me.

 I sigh and get changed I find a dress hanging on the wardrobe knowing it was for me

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I put my hair down I like it like that wild and free. I put my crown on and walk down to camp. And if your wondering Fawn slept in a tent with Felix he had an extra bed so of course she would have it.

Felix: I seen the Princess is up from her beauty sleep.

Faith: Yes it was really nice Felix.

Fawn: good I see your up go and eat we have a bing day ahead of us.

Faith: I thought I was older.
I say to Fawn as I get up to get something to eat. And look who I find Wendy darling.

Faith: Good morning Wendy.

Wendy: Good Morning your Majesty.
I could here the way she said it, it wasn't even sarcasm.

Faith: hurry and eat we things to do today before I leave.

Wendy: Leave, Where are you going?

Faith: Thats my business now hurry go eat your breakfast.

As I ate with some other lost boys I also helped Danny with his dish and get change he got a bit stuck with his shirt.

Danny: Thank you mommy.

Faith: Your welcome my darling.

Faith: Now go on its training today.
I say to him as I kiss him on the head he smiles and runs along.

Wendy: They really love you.

Faith: I do my best.

Wendy: I'm the same with my brothers you know.
Wendy says with a smile as she sits on a log.

Faith: Yeah well I have a younger sister so I'm good with being the oldest.

Wendy: I thought Felix was the oldest.

Faith: Oh no Felix is like a brother to us the big brother we never had but we still consider him as family always and forever we always say.

Wendy: You three are really something.

Faith: Yeah all of our names start with F. Can you believe that it's like we were meant to meet for a reason you know.

Wendy: Yeah I know.

And with that she walked away to join the lost boys.

Faith: Ok everyone for the ones who have it hard to shot an arrow and for our knew people to Neverland.

Faith: John come forward.

John walked forward worried about what he was about to do.

Faith: Now here take this aim and shoot.

He takes the the bow and arrow and closes his eyes and....shoots the shot perfectly.

The lost boys all cheered and patted him on the back.

Faith: Good now Who's next?

After all of target practice we all went to have our break and have fun. But Fawn and me have been here to long and our father is sure to worry about us so we both got ready to leave for the day.

Fawn: Ready?

Faith: Yeah but we been gone for so long what's the excuse?

Fawn: I don't know but I'll come up with something.

Felix: You sure you'll come back what if your father locks you up for being missing or something?

Faith: I promise we'll come back Flex.

Fawn: Yeah we promise ok we'll be back.

Danny: Really what if-

Faith: Danny nothings going to happen don't talk like that alright.

I say to him as I get done on one knee and fix his hair.

Danny: Ok.

Peter: You really sure love?

Fawn: God not you too.

Faith: Yes Peter we'll be back.

Peter: Promise me you'll be back.

Faith: Peter why are you so worried is something wrong?

He didn't say anything he just looked down and held my hands.

Faith: Oh my god there is something, what is it tell me?

Peter: It's nothing love you'll be ok and you'll be back tomorrow.

Faith: Fine ok I love you.

Peter: I love you too love.

We kissed goodbye or as I would say see you later but this felt like goodbye.

Happily never after book #1Where stories live. Discover now