Saved henry.

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we saved henry by Emma giving him half her heart. We brought the boys with us back to Storybrook. Felix has been acting weird lately. Felix has been weird lately he's talking to henry and they actually like each other weird I thought to my self.

When we get to storybook I'm met by everyone they're all surprise to see what I brought back with me.

Faith: So everyone while I was gone something happened to me and it made me change my self.

Leroy: Spill it sister.

Granny: Yeah what is it Faye?
I say getting the baby out of snows hands from behind me and show them by smiling and holding her up.

Granny: No.

Leroy: What's the surprise?

Granny: Leroy the baby is hers.

Leroy: No way did he-

Faith: No Peter would never do that to me it umm you know happened.

Leroy: I can't believe you had sex.

Faith: Yes Leroy I'm pretty sure we all know how babies are made.

Henry: Mom is sex how to make babies?

Regina: Honey that's a talk for another day and age. Now don't ever use that word.

Ruby: What's her name?

Faith: piper Leilani pan.

Belle: You went with pans last name huh?

Faith: Well yea he is the father belle.

Belle: Yea course.

As we walked to grannies to eat everyone was staring at me with judging eyes was it that I was a mother at 16 or was it because Peter was the father.

Ruby: How's is the little one?

Faith: She's all good just sleepy.

Ruby: She's so cute let me know if you need anything girl.

Faith: Thanks rub.

Me and Ruby have been bestie since I lived in storybrook well since the curse. Only I can call her rub it's rather Ruby or red for others.

As I went home to Victoria and my dad along with Abby Fawn with me to surprise all three of them about Piper and me being back.

Darius: My dear lord your back god your back!
My dad said in tears hugging my yelling which made Victoria and abby walk in the living room.

Victoria: Hunny what's wrong-
Victoria cut herself off when she seen me and hugged me I didn't want to be rude so I hugged back and abby looked at me with a smile and hugged as well stepping back afterwards.

Victoria: Oh my gosh your ok!

Abby: yeah you look good.

Faith: Don't lie I look bad.

Victoria: What's that on your dress?

Darius: It looks like...Blood! Did you hurt your self?!

Faith: Well yes and no.

Victoria: That doesn't even sound better.

Faith: Fawn can you bring her in please!

As Fawn walked in with Willow she smiled and everyone's mouths opened wide and their eyes.

Victoria: Don't tell me...

Darius: Please tell me you were raped.

Faith: Dad! What the hell!? I wasn't raped I wanted it and so did Peter!

Darius: That demon did that to you?!

Faith: Yes dad don't call him that?!

Darius: I want you out of my house right now!

Faith: Wait what?
I said to him lowering my voice and having a tear coming down to my face, Willow started crying I tried to stop her but she didn't stop.

Darius: I'm not having a teen mom as my daughter!

Victoria: Yes leave now Fawn go to your room now!

Fawn: Your not kicking my sister out if she's going in going as well!

Victoria: No your not now Faith leave now and take that daughter of a demon with you!

Victorias words hit hard. Willows dad may have did every bad things but did it make him a demon?

Faith: Dad...?

He didn't look at me he left to his office.

Faith: Fine but if my mom was here she would have never did this to me...

I walked out the house with Abby holding Fawn back also with Victoria holding her back as well.

I go to granny's and look for Ruby.

Ruby: hey Faye what's up?

Faith: I-I need a place to stay...

Ruby: Omg why did something happen?

I was crying and Ruby ran to me holding Piper in her arms.

Ruby: you can get a room at granny's In ok.

Faith: Thanks Rue.

Ruby: no problem Faye.

Granny let me stay for about a week for free than I needed to get a job and take care of my baby how would I do it thought?

Happily never after book #1Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora