How could you?

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We get back from Neverland and to our surprise we find an angry dad and a mad Victoria.

King Darius: Where have you been?!

Queen Victoria: We have been worried sick.

Me and Fawn both knew that we couldn't get out of this one. We both kept our heads High saying nothing looking them dead in the eyes.

Queen Victoria: Oh you have nothing to say huh? I'm am your new mother and I want some respect around here!

Faith: How did you-

King Darius: Fund out that you two weren't here? Abby told us.

My eyes widened.

Faith: Abby?

Queen Victoria: Yes Abby she told us all about you two little night visit as soon as you two left.

Fawn: I told you we shouldn't have trusted her.

Faith: How could she?

Fawn: Where is she?!

Queen Victoria: Don't yell at me young lady.

Abby: I'm right here!

Abby was next to the door in a pink dress and a gold crown and wearing MY NECKLACE THAT PETER GAVE ME!

Abby: I love you both but this was too much.

Faith: How could you?

She didn't say anything she stood there with pride.

Faith: Is that mine?!

Queen Victoria: Yes you don't deserve it not the way you been these days.

Faith: How dare you? You are not my mother!

I ran towards abby and yelled at her.

Faith: Take it off or I will take it off for you!

Abby: No it's mine now.

I looked at her with crazy eyes i ones I give Peter when I'm mad at him.

She than compiled and took of the necklace hands shaking while giving it to me doing it slowly. I just stanched it out her hands and slapped her.

Queen Victoria: Don't you touch my daughter.

Fawn: Really dad your letting this happen?

He didn't say anything he just put his head down.

Fawn: Wow the one other person who I thought would be there for me.

She walked up to him.

Fawn: I hate you....

She whispered to him and left with tears in her eyes.

Faith: Happy now papa?! If mom was here she would have been proud of what we did.

Faith: And you Victoria you and my mother are and will always be two different people my mother was a great beautiful Queen who loved her family and her Kingdom and the kingdom loved her. You can never be her.

I left the room to moms garden my safe place.

Faith: Why did you leave us?

I said to my self but I was talking to mom.
Some tears left my eyes and on my dress.

Faith: You didn't have to go. Fawn needs a mother in her life she's angry at the world and she needs you. Grandma Nalani is getting old she won't be here forever you know.

Faith: Why did you leave me?

Happily never after book #1Where stories live. Discover now