Chapter 1

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-Lena pov-
We walk around the fortress while Esme is entertained by that robot. It has too many functions for even me to remember. I love all of the tech around us though. We have stayed here for the past few days.

It has been a nice vacation from home. She calls it the nICE vacation. Esme and I have been around her for too much. We have found her ice puns funny.

I have been carrying around a lead box though. I found some chemical codes for a Red K. I figure it stands for something Red Kara. Maybe it will turn her skin Red!

"Hey Kara I have something exciting!" She turns to me with a huge smile that drops with the box opening "What? Is this not good?"

"Lena why do you have that?" I step toward her but she steps back "Close the box! I can feel it working!"

"Well yeah I have deposited some into your food and drink" I smile again "I want to see you glow red! Red Kara sounds fun!"

"Red K was not a pun!" I close the lid as her veins glow some "Get out now! Run with Esme now!"

I quickly take off and drop the box. I need my hands for Esme. I grab her and give the code for defense. The robot turns and speeds away. I hear a smashing sound and his head soon flies past us.

"What is happening?!" I get to the portal gun and open one "Mom?"

"What is happening Lena?" Alex starts to step through but I push Esme at her "Lena?!"

"Do not come here till I SAY" I hear a crash and grab the gun "It will all be ok! Just please! Please do not come here until I say it is safe!"

I through the gun down and smash it. Soon I am pushed up against the ice walls. I look into the eyes of the woman I have grown to love. They are the same eyes just...what is the other piece in there?

"You think messing with my things is a good idea?" I try to speak but she grabs my throat to hold me up "You have said I could take over the world if I wanted to...why take over the world? The world is fully of misery and pain! I think I can do something better!"

"K-ka-Kara please" I grab at her hand as my eyes starts rolling backwards "Le..let go"

"Sleep my darling Angel" She runs her free hand across my cheek as darkness takes over "I shall see you soon"

-Alex pov-
I am still staring at where Lena just was. She smashed the gun. I look at Esme who looks scared and confused. I slowly lead us away and to the couch.

"Honey do you know what happened?" She shakes her head "Did you see anything?"

"Kelexs head went flying past us after he went into defense mode" I feel my fear start to take over "Lena saved me from something"

"What happened?" I look over to see Kelly with James walking in "I thought Esme was with the Duo"

"She was pushed through a portal by Lena" I look back where it was at "She smashed the gun and said do not come until SHE said to"

"I trust Lena and Kara can deal with the issue" James walks over and puts a hand on my shoulder "There is nothing to worry about"

"I agree" Kelly sits down beside Esme "Everything will be alright! You will see"

"Yeah" I look one last time where the portal was "It will be alright"

-Time skip- Lena pov-
I groan as I wake up from being choked out. I had no idea Kara would do that. I try to move but notice I am tied down. My whole body is tied to to a table.

"Do not panic love" I turn to see Kara in a skin tight spandex suit "I want to see you enjoy this all!"

"W-what am I going to enjoy?" Kara smirks as she looks over me "What? What are you looking at?"

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